Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WayWisdom > Page 3


Pure Faith, Pure Love

The Way of Wisdom

Page 3

For any system to be worth saving today, that system must be an agent for unity in diversity. Gone is the “god” or “gods” that had a “my people” in contrast to all other peoples. The contemplative offers insight into a “God” transcending Theos, Allah, Yahw(v)eh, God, …, for the contemplative directly intuits the Ground of Everything, which is the Source of Pure Faith and Pure Love.

Arising is the “God” of all peoples, in Whom we are free of clinging to notions and we exercise the Pure Faith and Pure Love that brings us all, together, Home.

This Transformation, as I “see” it, is happening now in our midst, even if few are prepared to accept the demands such a Transformation will ask of us all. This Transformation, indeed, is a Transformation on the scale that goes beyond any before, and it will entail a reorientation of religion and politics, everything, that we have known to this point.


As a writer and clergyperson in the Christian tradition, how do I fit Jesus Christ into this message or, rather, derive this message from the Gospel? That is a complicated question. Suffice it for me to say that, in my opinion, the Church has yet to catch up with the Gospel. The only way to release Jesus Christ from the human propensity to place Christ in a system and use it in a self-referencing manner is through the transformation of persons themselves.

The contemplative, when true to the Ground of Being, not only will not reduce Christ to a system, the contemplative cannot do so. And, to me, Jesus Christ refused to place God within the religious and political system of his upbringing, even though he recognized the validity of the system and was faithful to the good within it. Likewise, contemplation, being Christo-form, is a threat to the religious and political systems, even some that claim the name of Christ, for contemplation is an expression of the Spirit of Christ, free of all notional sytems.

In short, contemplation is a return to the Ground and is, therefore, Wisdom as it manifests in varied systems, while being free from all of them. The systems point, Wisdom is.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WayWisdom > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024