Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OnTheWay


On The Way

Three Spiritual Types

Jul 22, 2005

Saying For Today: I assume that each person who has chosen to be on the Way is exactly where he or she needs to be at this moment.

A disciple approached his spiritual Teacher, for the disciple could not understand how calmly and patiently the Teacher treated all his disciples. “Teacher,” the disciple spoke, pointing to another disciple, “how can you be so patient with him, for he seems lost all the time and nothing you say seems to help?” “Because he is on the Way.” “How, Teacher, can he be on the Way and so lost?” “Being lost is the Way.” Pointing to another disciple, the man spoke, “And,Teacher,that woman over there, she seems to be looking for something in the past. How can you tolerate her pining all the time?” “Because she is on the Way.” “Teacher, how can one be trying to find something in the past and be on the Way?” “Trying to find something in the past is the Way.” “Then, Teacher, I must not be on the Way, for I neither struggle to find the Way nor feel I have lost the Way?” “No, my son, you are on the Way.” “How can that be, Teacher?” “For knowing you’re on the Way is the Way.” “Then, Teacher, who is not on the Way?” “Everyone is on the Way who chooses to be on the Way.”

There are three kinds of persons in regard to the spiritual Journey. The wanderer is lost, moving aimlessly, trying to find his way, attempting to get a sense of direction into the future. Sometimes we must get lost before we can be found. The pilgrim is a person who is on the spiritual Journey but is not lost. She has a sense of direction, as well as destination. The exile is a person suffering a sense of dislocation. This is a form of lostness, but the exile has a clear sense of feeling cut off from a place, or process, that once was meaningful.

Possibly, each one of us is one of the above three, at different points in life. Likewise, each of the above is part of the spiritual Journey, therefore, we need not judge others or ourselves wherever we are in the Journey. Wandering and being exiled are normal and valuable experiences of the Journey.

As a pastor, remembering these things encourages me to be loving and patient with all persons I serve. I assume each person who has chosen to be on the Way is exactly where he or she needs to be, now. Each person, including this pastor and spiritual teacher, is in process. I have learned that most persons sincerely are open to growth and the challenges of living the Way, when they are respected, loved, and nurtured where they are at any time. If someone is not open to growth, then, that is where that person is at that time. The Holy Spirit, the Inner Guide and Teacher, will work to prepare the person for the openness necessary to learn, grow, and evolve spiritually.

Spiritual Exercise
1. Which of the above three spiritual types do you feel most characterizes your present place in your spiritual Journey? Explain.
2. Can you recall times you were an exile, a wanderer, and a pilgrim? What did each process feel like to you?
3. What does it mean to meet persons where they are on the Journey?
4. Do you know someone experiencing exile? Wandering? Pilgrimage?
5. What are biblical examples of the three above types?
6. Do you think Jesus might have experienced any or all of the above tpyes in His time on earth? Explain.
7. How might God be calling you to companion the person or persons you recalled in question four?
8. What does it mean to companion others on the Journey?
9. Do you have someone or some persons who are being used to companion you?

Spirit of Christ, I am thankful that You have been with me, lovingly and patiently. I am grateful for the lessons you have taught me and, now, how I am better able to companion others. Gentle my heart and give me compassion to meet persons where they are and to be with them, there, trusting that you are working with them in ways I cannot fully discern. Most of all, enable me to be so close to You that I can be an embodiment of Your love, which will draw persons to feel safe to be companioned by me. May I, too, be humble enough to be companioned. Amen.

-Brian K. Wilcox

OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at briankwilcox@comcast.net.

Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OnTheWay

©Brian Wilcox 2024