Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

January 2009

Jan 30, 2009

Soul to Soul
Seeing Beyond the Flesh
Saying For Today: "Rather, we surrender into the mutual-being-with, and the result is a sensing into the essence of the other."

Jan 29, 2009

An Inner Bath of Love
The Prayer of Examen
Saying For Today: "In the examen of consciousness, we grow to see more clearly and be more aware daily of how God is present to, in, and through us."

Jan 28, 2009

You Given a Vocation (Part 2)
Discerning Your Calling
Saying For Today: "The Holy Spirit has many ways to speak to us, and sometimes it happens outside prayer, but prepared for by our being constant in prayer."

Jan 27, 2009

Seeing The Spirit
Loyalty to Christ and His Body
Saying For Today: "Our spirit with that Spirit will result in an inner espousal allowing us to know there is no one else our heart desires to follow. "

Jan 26, 2009

You Given A Vocation (Part 1)
Discerning Your Calling
Saying For Today: "Look back over your life experience. You will get hints or shouts, maybe both, about the way God wills to use you to serve others."

Jan 25, 2009

A Heart So Sad
The Relationship First, All Else Second
Saying For Today: "Yet, I was reminded of the normality and holiness of being faithful to living in Christ, amidst such feelings, and not retreating to a facade of positive feelings, conjured up out of a fear of facing my own inner hurt or confusion. "

Jan 24, 2009

Renewing Our First Love
On Revival
Saying For Today: "Christ wants our hearts, not for us to be plaster saints or ever-do-goody relics of dead or lukewarm faith. Christ calls for a renewal of our love."

Jan 23, 2009

Getting The Helping Hand
Perseverance in Christian Living
Saying For Today: "No circumstances we face, no struggles we encounter, and no obstacles that present themselves can, in any measure, diminish the Love of God for us."

Jan 22, 2009

Blessed to be Criticized?
Responding to Unjust Criticism
Saying For Today: "Now, for the odd instruction - give thanks for any unfair criticism against you. That is right, give thanks."

Jan 21, 2009

A Most Intimate All-In-all
Getting God, You Gotten By God
Saying For Today: "Prayer is mainly any means to get God and be gotten by God. This is the same as saying: Prayer is about having a relationship."

Jan 20, 2009

Silence and Casting Cares
The Way of Peaceful Quietude
Saying For Today: "Our little tolerance for prayer and quiet is witness to greed for sensationalism and distractions. The inner world is too foreign to most of us."

Jan 18, 2009

Spiritual Acceptance
The Way of Life and Peace
Saying For Today: "Through spiritual acceptance, we may find that circumstances we thought we needed free of are those we come to see as God's Will. "

Jan 17, 2009

Toward A New Likeness
On Being Made Holier
Saying For Today: "A spiritual Christian ardently loves Christ, unashamedly longs to please Christ, and joyfully aspires to be more like Christ - this means going beyond standing in Grace to be being transformed into the nature of Grace."

Jan 16, 2009

Immortal, Invisible
Mystical Theology and Christian Virtue
Saying For Today: "I, my Lord, in the darkness of unknowing, have seen a Light to which no other compares; thus, I love You the more, and more."

Jan 15, 2009

La Cruz A Secas
The Cross Unadorned
Saying For Today: "May more Christians commit to living the cross unadorned, unashamed of the Gospel that shows us death is the way to celestial Life, and the cross the threshold to spiritual Love. "

Jan 14, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
On Spiritual Discernment
Saying For Today: "Sometimes the Divine Will is for you humbly to be obedient to the necessities given you at a particular time."

Jan 13, 2009

A Cleaning Out
Seasons of Confession and Forgiveness
Saying For Today: "When we enter a season of confession, we do so to arise from it in a newness of healing and capability to serve."

Jan 12, 2009

The Practice of Godly Sorrow
On Compunction
Saying For Today: "The wounding of Love is of one grace with the healing of Love. In confessing what the Light illumines, though it causes me godly sorrow, I receive healing."

Jan 11, 2009

Redemptive Communion
Community Around Christ
Saying For Today: "Yes, and it is always good to be around Jesus, for with Christ being the center of any fellowship, that communion will be strong and redemptive, regardless of its make-up, size, or location."

Jan 10, 2009

Contemplation and Great Commission
Sharing Christ Through Affective Devotion
Saying For Today: "The greatest proclamation of Christ is the embodying of the Spirit of Christ in you and me."

Jan 9, 2009

Growing More Like Christ
On Spiritual Formation as Transformation
Saying For Today: "Grace may be free, but grace seems to get more costly, though more precious, the closer your heart gets to Christ's heart."

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