Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > CandleAflame


Candle Aflame

A Mystical Love Poem

Jan 7, 2006

Saying For Today: Those afraid of feelings flee, This place of the Heart….

Touch me …
I become a candle aflame—
Those afraid of feelings flee
This place of the Heart—
I was born for this
Born for you
Loves many
Love One
My heart, shaped to receive
To dispense sweet Light
Your longing for me
Concealed in every longing of mine
Your waiting for me
Hidden in my every loneliness
One door opens to Home
You …

Some are not ready to
Hear this…

Spiritual Exercise
Write a love poem from God to you…
Write a love letter from God to you…


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > CandleAflame

©Brian Wilcox 2024