Indeed, I find when I am in relationship with a woman, she becomes to me a specific place of Spirit manifestation, and this lifts the relationship into the context of being a Thin Place where Spirit shines, loves, speaks, and graces in a fresh and vitalizing way. Such openness to the specificity of Love manifesting in love prepares us to experience God through others and to the degree that we are in intimate communion with them. Then, this closeness becomes a sign and symbol of the openness and intimacy of the Three Persons of the Trinity with each other.
Do you ever sense vividly how much God longs for you? Do you express longing to the Spirit? How? Is it possible that God longing for you is manifested in your longing for God?
How does God manifests to you in friendships with other persons? In romantic relationships? Or,in your marriage?
Is there a particular song that heightens your awareness of God in a marked manner?
Where are special places that God seems to be more vivid to you? Do you have a sacred space set up in your home or yard, or both? If not, what might that space look like? Where would you like to set it up? What objects would you want on it? If you have children, have you spoken to them about the importance of having a sacred space?
Love Letter from the Spirit
My love, every morning arise and open your arms to me, inviting me and all my resources into your life, telling me that you want all of what I have for you. This helps you move from fear to faith, from hesitancy to confidence, from lethargy to aliveness. Trust me, and I will surely respond by meeting you in places and people. You only need to be aware. Do not try to find me. Do not try to create my Presence. Simply be open, simply be attentive, simply be receptive, and you will see me appearing in the most likely and unlikely places. I respond, for I AM love. You cannot get me in your life, but you can let me into your life. Maybe this all sounds simple. It is! You have been misled by religious ideas generated by men and women over many centuries who have led you to believe that you must do something really religious to enjoy me. But, I am teaching you a more gentle and kind way, a freer way. Let me be to you as I best relate to you, now. I may be Mystery, Father, Friend, Spirit, Creator, Christ: I will show up for you in the way you call upon me. Remember, I want only what is best for you. Most of all I want you to know and enjoy me as a Living Presence meeting with you everyday and in many ways. I want to be more than a religious idea, a theology, a morality, or a hand-me-down bequeathed to you from the past. I want to be intimate with you in a fresh, new way. I want us to love each other as though we are the only two in the Universe. Then, in my drawing near and appearing to you, you will be my means of drawing near and appearing to your friends and family.
OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at