Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > GraciousAcceptance


Loving the Dandelions

Gracious Acceptance of the Present Mystery

Jan 22, 2008

Saying For Today: It is not easy for us to accept that there is no cure for living.

Breath Prayer

Breathing in: Christ, peace
Breathing out: Your Peace

Today's Scripture~Matthew 5.38-40 (CEV)

38“You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’39 But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. 40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too."

Wisdom Saying

It is not easy for us to accept that there is no cure for living. Seeking a perfection that conforms to our images or our imagination, we miss the perfection of the mystery that is here before us every day-the rising of the sun, the beating of the heart, the changing of the seasons, the miracle of human speech. ... In ... calmness ... we discover that we have the energy and the faith to heal ourselves, and the world, through an openheartedness in this moment.

*Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman. Soul Food.

Life has not often turned out as I had expected: Thank God!

*Brian K. Wilcox

Fussing at the darkness only increases the fussing and the darkness.

*Brian K. Wilcox

Wisdom Story

Mulla Nasruddin decided to plant a flower garden. He prepared the soil. He planted seeds of many beautiful flowers. But when they came up, his garden was filled not only with his chosen flowers but overrun by dandelions. He sought advice from many gardeners and tried many methods to get rid of the dandelions. He failed. Finally, he walked many miles to the capital to consult the royal gardener. The wise, aged man suggested varied solutions, but not one availed to rid the garden of dandelions. Mulla returned to the royal gardener. They sat in silence for a time, while the royal gardener mused on the problem. At last, he looked at Mulla, saying, "Well, my friend, regarding the dandelions, I suggest you learn to love them."

*A Sufi Tale

How do the writing and Scripture for today relate with each other?

What or whom are you resisting, you do not want, but is present for you to accept, more so even, to love? What difference might this make in your life?

What might you be resisting in yourself that the Spirit is calling you to accept and love? What difference might this make in your life?

Brian will respond to requests pertaining to seeking a Spiritual Mentor. He offers retreats, workshops, and classes in such subjects as Contemplative Prayer (he trains in Visualized Praying, Centering Prayer, Christian Meditation, The Jesus Prayer, ...); Contemplative Living; A Spiritual Understanding of the Lord's Prayer; Philippians and Spiritual Community; Spiritual Growth From Matter to Spirit; Spiritual Use of the Scripture.

See any major on-line bookseller for his book An Ache for Union.

For replies and biographical information, and submission to "The Light Shines" daily devotionals ~ a ministry of Christ Community United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda, FL, see next page:


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > GraciousAcceptance

©Brian Wilcox 2025