Anthony DeMello, a late Jesuit priest from India, says in his book Awareness, “Life is a banquet. And the tragedy is that most people are starving to death.” This is to say that all we need for an abundant life is present to us, as the manifestation of the overflow of the Grace of God. Indeed, can we rightly say, “God is Generosity Itself?”.
DeMello tells the story of some persons on a raft off the coast of Brazil. They were dying from thirst. They had no idea that they were floating on fresh water. They assumed that they were floating on salt water. However, the river was coming out into the sea with such force that it went for about two miles. So, they had fresh water, all they needed to live, but they had no idea.
An Eastern story tells of a little fish swimming in the ocean. He is looking for water. Coming upon an older, wiser fish, the little fish says, “Sir, I am looking for water. Can you tell me the way?” The older fish replies, “Little one, you are surrounded by it.” Says the younger fish, “But, I am in the ocean.” He could not fathom that the ocean was none other than the environment of the water he was seeking, the water giving him life, moment by moment.
What if everyone awakened one morning, and we each realized that we all are sailing on the Sea of Divine Generosity? What if each one of us lived daily, consciously knowing and trusting that the very environment we live in, the contexts of our lives, is infused through-and-through with the Prodigious Grace of Christ?
Is it possible that all we need is always present, wherever we are? Is it possible we cannot escape this Generous Christ offering Himself to us in the most sublime and mundane situations of daily life? We may not recognize this Generous Presence. We may not surrender to this Presence of Grace. But, can we escape the Presence, Who pours out Grace sufficient for everyone?
In the days ahead, we will explore an answer to the above questions. We will look at some important passages that address the life of abundance to which Christ calls everyone and every church. We will seek an answer to the question, “Where is this abundance?” And ..., “How do we enjoy it?” And, “What does this abundance have to do with the Holy Spirit?" "... with Grace?”
Affirmation Graces flows through me, giving me fullness of life.
OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at