Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WithinWovenVeil


Within the Woven Veil

A Baptism in the Spiritual Jordan

Feb 17, 2007

Saying For Today: The woven veil covers the Most Holy Place, My Lord, but you have not concealed your Face from me, for you would not, being Love, seek to conceal your Being from any being whom you have formed for yourself alone.

Wisdom Story

Some old men went to visit the Abbot Anthony of Egypt. Abbot Anthony was the most renowned hermit of his day~b. 251. Abbot Joseph was present among them. The aged Abbot Anthony, wanting to test the visitors, recommended a Scripture text. Beginning with the youngest, he asked each one what it meant. Each gave the best opinion he could offer. Abbot Anthony replied to each one: "You have not understand it." Then, he asked Abbot Joseph: "How would you explain this saying?" Abbot Joseph replied: "I do not know." Abbot Anthony said: "Indeed, Abbot Joseph has found the way, for he has said, 'I do not know.'"


The woven veil covers the Most Holy Place, My Lord, but you have not concealed your Face from me. For you would not, being Love, seek to conceal your Being from any being whom you have formed for yourself alone. But these eyes of my heart have been unprepared to look upon such Beauty as you have been, are, and will be, all ages and more, though my mind has admired shadows hinting of a naked Light waiting to be seen and loved in Itself, not in another. All my thoughts of you have been a well-spun drapery, until my heart should be ready to look into your Light, which is nothing other than Yourself, beyond all radiance of the one Sun. Tear from me all this veil of certainties, woven with truths fit for time, that would conceal your most glorious and eternal Comeliness, and immerse my thoughts of you, my Love, in the spiritual Jordan. This do, that I might rise to newness of Life and behold your Presence alighting upon me, hearing your voice speak, "You are my Beloved, in you I delight." Amen.

See next page for details on OneLife Ministries, Brian's book An Ache for Union, and material pertaining to sources used in the writing.

Feel free to submit a query. Thanks! Brian K. Wilcox




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