My Friends, can you listen deeply to the world around you, relaxing need to make the moment into a project? Can you be here, now, without it having to be on to somewhere else? Will you explore, prior to the New Year, course or subtle ways you may use persons for your goals, rather than appreciating them for who they are, and seeking to listen deeply, compassionately to them, not telling them who they are to be, what they are to do, and what you expect from them? Can you love that much? You may be surprised at how much healing can happen, in your heart and that of the other, by simply Quiet Being With in Appreciation. Will you sit for twenty minutes, alone, quiet, and smiling, reflecting on the wonder of the Moment, saying over and over in the Silence of Your Heart: “Thank You. Thank You.” ? Please give yourself that gift, my dear Friend: Wonderful Presence! Beautiful Presence? That is who you are: yes, YOU.
You are a Flower of Grace Blooming in The Garden of Eternal Spring. Yes, YOU are the Kiss of God Upon this beautiful world and sky, joining The glories of heaven with The majesty of earth. YOU, here, now.