Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > BeggarInHisPresence > Page 2


A Beggar in His Presence

Molinos and the Prayer of Quiet

Page 2

Indeed, so influential was Molinos that within six years of publication of the Guide, it had been translated into every language in Western Europe. In Naples, Italy it was noted that twenty thousand Christians gathered in small groups to practice Pure Prayer as taught by Molinos.

I encourage you to follow the above words of Molinos, and be steadfast in Pure Prayer, or the Prayer of Quiet~that is, if you long to grow in pure, child-like faith and abandonment to Divine Providence, and if you accept the Holy Spirit is leading you into this path of surrendered devotion, ardent love, and trusting reliance.

If so, then, use whatever verbalized prayer or meditation you choose. When you are resting silently and lovingly in the lap and upon the breasts of Christ~which is an ineffable and pure Presence beyond description~, disown effort and accept the Rest that is God Godself.

In Quiet your will is stilled by and in Love, and for Love, for you are loving Love~not just giving love to Love, or getting love from Love, or sharing love with Love. There is a dialogue of blessed eros that cannot be expressed in words or even thought with mind. This holy conversation is the idiom of Being, and Being, while containing all senses in beautiful and blessed perfection as creatures of the Divine, infolds and transcends them in Love and as Love, even as Love unfolds them to be a gift to us.


The proof of this hidden, subtle intercourse between you and God is simple. You begin to bear wondrously, more than you thought possible, the fruit of the image of your Beloved in your countenance, your word and action.

You yourself, actually, will not bear this fruit~you would not dare claim it arises from you~; rather, the Divine Life, the Christ Vitality, within you bears this fruit. This fruit is the offspring of Grace. You find, then, such immaculate freedom from yourself in disowning all, while all is given you in the One to whom all belongs, eternally.

Suggested Reflection

What does it mean for you to rest like a beggar in the Presence of God?

See next page for details on OneLife Ministries, Brian's book An Ache for Union, and material pertaining to sources used in the writing.

Feel free to submit a query. Thanks! Brian K. Wilcox




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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > BeggarInHisPresence > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2025