Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > TruthBeyondLabels


The Truth

Beyond Labels

Mar 4, 2006

Saying For Today: You are a lover of Truth when you do not mind what label is attached to you for loving Truth.

Once a disciple of a great spiritual Teacher asked him, “Teacher, how do I see the Truth?” The Teacher replied, “See that tree outside the window?” “Yes,” replied the disciple. The Teacher asked, “Why did you see the tree?” “Because I looked at it,” replied the disciple. Then, affirmed the Teacher, “It is that simple to see the Truth: just look.” “But,” replied the disciple, “I do not seem to see the Truth.” “Well,” advised the Teacher, “then, it is only that you are not ready to see the Truth.”

Truth never hides.

Once a pastor was asked by a confused parishioner, “Why do you scream and yell, and swing and thump the Bible, when you preach?” The pastor did not know how to reply. So, he prayed just before going to bed that night, “Lord, I have never thought of why I scream and yell, and swing and thump the Bible, like I do when I preach, please show me.” That night he had a dream in which Michael the angel visited him. Michael said, “Friend, you scream and yell, and swing and thump the Bible, like you do when preaching, for you yourself are attempting to drown out the Truth you yourself refuse to hear.”

Is it not true that often those most ready to tell others their version of the Truth are themselves most unready to listen when the Truth contradicts their version of the Truth?

A pastor left a denominational Conference meeting. He called his wife, “Honey, I’m coming on home.” “Dear,” she said, “it is only the first day of the week long meeting. Why are you coming home now?” “Honey,” replied the pastor, “I’m coming home for us to go out and celebrate that God did not hold a vote to decide what is true.”

You are a lover of Truth when you do not mind what label is attached to you for loving Truth.

The Dean of the Seminary called the Professor of Religion into his office. The Dean told him that he was known on campus, oddly, as liberal by some and conservative by others, orthodox by some and heretical by others, a defender of the faith by some and an enemy of the faith by some. The Professor of Religion replied, “So what?”

What is Truth to you? Have you ever been opposed for your openness to Truth? Have you ever lost friends or disappointed family members because you changed your beliefs? Does Jesus and persons’ response to him in the Gospels give any guidance to you about how to relate to Truth?

OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at briankwilcox@comcast.net.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > TruthBeyondLabels

©Brian Wilcox 2025