I often refer to "prayerful" in my work. I mean, prayerfull. Prayerful means "full of Prayer." Here, you have been drawn back, so forward, through prayers and praying to being Prayer, you are within Prayer. You, finally, become a living, breathing Prayer. When you are prayerful, prayers arise from being Prayer. This does not entail a movement in denial of saying prayers; rather, this entails a movement which is from Silence into words, as well as potentially other gestures of prayer. St. Paul said, in the Christian Bible, "Pray always in the Spirit (or, spirit)." This prayerfulness may hint at what he means. And of Swami Abhishiktananda, that eminent Christian monk who took on the garb of Indian silence and solitude, "The monk acts within, from what is within, through what is within. He does not 'exert an influence' by his physical presence to other people, but by his presence, within, to God. His ministry is silence and solitude,..." We need not think this applies only to monks, but applies to anyone who chooses to live from within and by Grace. Yes, prayerfulness, as becoming, arises from silence and solitude, but a silence and solitude not merely as absence, but alive with Presence. This Presence is the Mystery, and to live within and from this Presence, you must truly surrender your felt-mastery and your self-presentation and rest in the rest of the living Grace, naked and alone in the Naked and Alone. Prayerfulness has no clothing or otherness, yet, thereby, has pure potential to Love without discrimination and see Oneness amid the diverse attire of Creation. So, prayerfulness is intimately linked with Love.