Spiritual community rests on the reality that we are already one and that we need each other, already. We are vulnerable, already, from a microcosmic to macrocosmic level. A germ can unleash a deadly disease in our body at any moment. Or, Nature can hurl a deadly bolt of lighting against our helpless flesh before we even hear the sound of thunder or the drops of rain.
We need to belong to and consistently participate in a spiritual community of worship and service. We need to go beyond the often-facile forms of intimacy that can be manifested in what can be blithely called “fellowship” and move to share our stories, our dreams, our pains, and to pray with and for one another hand-in-hand. Included in this is a realization that intimacy is nurtured by prayer that goes beyond a “prayer list” that mentions our concerns for “others.” Spiritual community entails allowing others to hold us in prayer. To do that, contexts have to be created for deep, intimate sharing, which entails trustful vulnerability. Of course, this takes time to nurture, but it can be nurtured in any community willing to invest the time and energy.
How can faith communities have a rightful impact on the world unless they enjoy a deep sharing with each other? If we are not careful, spiritual “community” becomes another means of personal and collective avoidance of the humbleness and self-emptying that allows us to say, “I need you and your help,” and to hear a reply, “I will help carry you.” And, our own vulnerability to admit our need for help is prior to our seeking to help the world beyond our circles of family and friends.
1. Are you in a relationship, wherein you feel accepted in expressing your need for the other’s help? 2. What do you feel like when someone offers to help you, as contrasted with how you feel when you offer to help someone? 3. What Gospel passages or stories speak to you about the vulnerability of Christ? 4. Are you in a spiritual community wherein you feel there is a true intimate sharing? 5. Do you have a Prayer Partner? 6. If you are in a family, a couple, a couple with a child or children, or a single parent, when was the last time you had prayer together? 7. What are associations between the Passion of Christ, celebrated in Holy Week, and strength? How do these look when compared to images of strength in our media? Popularized images in religion of "successful" leaders? 8. How might person’s resistance to vulnerability lead them to misinterpret and resist spiritual leaders or other persons modeling vulnerability? 9. Can you recall a time in your life when a spiritual community or friend made all the difference during a difficult time? When was the last such time?