Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > PrayerConnectionIntuition


Connection, Intuition, and Intercession

A Friendship Letter

Mar 16, 2006

Saying For Today: It is a mystery what opens awareness in us to some persons and not to other persons, though we are connected to all.

This is a writing from March 15, 2006 and is unlike what I have done in the past. The genre is Friendship Letter: therefore, names have been changed to protect privacy. The short letter offers a glimpse into much of the kind of ministry I do with persons through prayer and sharing vignettes to help in their opening to explore where the Mystery is working in our world and in their personal lives. However, this is not just my helping other persons, for in the writings I am encouraging myself, too, and I find their responses often to minister to my needs, also.

You mentioned your need for prayer the other day, when I had mentioned prayer for Marcia. If David Bohm, physicist, is right about what has come to be known as the Implicate Order, we are all enfolded in each other. No one, nothing, is separate, except at the apparent level of human perception: a slender thread of Infinity. It is a mystery what opens awareness in us to some persons and not to other persons, though we are connected to all. However, it is that withinness we all share that allows us to open empathically to another person. Yesterday, I was working on Board papers—Yuk!—and Something—Energy—opened, and I knew that I was to stop then and pray for you. I stopped and did, and felt an opening, clarity... just prayed, had no idea of anything meant for to pray about—I assume God can bless our prayers, even when we have no idea what we need to pray about or for. Sometimes, prayer is just connecting spirit to spirit, with no words spoken. Anyway, I find to just pray in those intuitive times, when Spirit leads, is a blessing. However, letting you know that prayers are with you, for whatever Good means for you to meet you on your way, as they have been for Marcia. Marcia is easy to connect with in meditation. Possibly, that has to do with her spirit: children and youth often have a more open spirit than we adults, since we close off somewhat due to pain accumulated over time. Possibly, that reflects what Jesus said when he spoke that we must become like children, again, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

1. What does the Letter above say about prayer, friendship, intuition, and our connection with other persons?
2. Do you have times when you feel a spontaneous inner Call to stop and pray for someone?
3. Why do you think we can connect easily with some persons, spirit to spirit, and not other persons?
4. Whom do you easily connect spiritually with? Why do you think such is the case?

Spiritual Exercise
Write a friend today, letting her know that you are praying for her. Include encouraging words. Include a quote, if you wish, from a well-known writer on the spiritual Life.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > PrayerConnectionIntuition

©Brian Wilcox 2025