Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > TrueChristianityAgain


Knowing by Forgetting

The Church That Unlearned

Apr 1, 2006

Saying For Today: If you want to sail the Ocean of God, you must throw your oars overboard.

To know
Who you are
Know who
God is
To know who
God is
From where do
The thoughts "I" and "God" arise?
What is
Prior to
"God" and "I"?
When you no longer know,
You know.

The Creating One finally had a fill of all the Christians who claimed they knew so much about God, as well as their fussing about dogma. After God met with the angels, they came up with a plan. An angel came to earth to start a new communion of Christians: The Church of Those Who Know God Intimately Because They Don’t Know Much About God Really. Many persons who had left the churches during their decline in the West returned to Christ through joining this new church. Eventually, enough of these churches were planted to be able to fund a seminary for training their leaders. The seminary trained Pastors and other church staff in unlearning much of what they had been taught, so that they could listen to the Spirit all along the way, rather than just repeating what other persons had said the Spirit had taught in the past. This communion was small compared to the traditional denominations, but the Spirit celebrated being able to bless a communion that had not equated “the faith” or “our faith” or "the Christian faith" with “faithfulness.”

To know, don’t know. Few persons are humble and courageous enough to swallow that truth.

If you want to sail the Ocean of God, you must throw your oars overboard. Otherwise, you will only find yourself pulled back to shore.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > TrueChristianityAgain

©Brian Wilcox 2024