Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > FreedomFromGreed > Page 2


Bees Don't Eat The Blossoms

Freedom From Greed

Page 2

INVITATION~Persons are invited to request membership in this writer's House of Light, a web village for persons interested in or living a contemplative life. To request membership go to www.7Villiages.com .

*OneLife writings are offered by Brian K. Wilcox, a United Methodist pastor serving in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. He writes in the spirit of John Wesley's focus on the priority of inner experience of the Triune God; scriptural holiness; ongoing sanctification; the goal of Christian perfection (or, wholeness). Brian seeks to integrate the best of the contemplative teachings of Christianity East and West, from the patristic Church to the present. Brian lives a vowed contemplative life with his two dogs, Bandit Ty and St. Francis, in North Florida. OneLife writings are for anyone seeking to live and share love, joy, and peace in the world and in devotion to God as she or he best understands God.

*Brian's book An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, a book of poems on mystical union with God, can be ordered through major on-line booksellers or your local bookstore.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > FreedomFromGreed > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024