Wisdom Story
A spiritual seeker visited the Teacher.
He said, "I've read your books on dying to our selves."
"Well," replied the Teacher, "what did you think?"
The seeker spoke, "I enjoyed the reading. But, then, I tried to follow your teachings on dying to our selves, but the teachings did not work for me."
The Teacher laughed, and he said, "See, it could not work for you."
"Why?" asked the seeker.
"For the you that is trying to die to the your self and for that to work for you is the you and your self that needs to die."
The open secret of dying to the self, which is really a false and constructed self-image of unwhole pieces making an unwhole disunity~not a self at all~cannot arise from the self that is the illusion in the first place.
The True Self, or Christ Self, inherently is clarity, charity, peace, and bliss. The Christ Self does not have these qualities; this Christ Self is the Essence and Be-ing of these qualities.
This Christ Self is brought forth, for it already exists within us by being sons and daughters of the Divine. This Self is like the Sun. When clouds cover the Sunlight, all that needs to happen to receive Sunlight again is for the clouds to move. This unblocking of the already-enlightened-always Christ Self happens through surrender to the Source of the Christ Self
We work with spiritual practices to move the obstructions to the Luminous Beauty that is our true identity: not have been, is, and will be, for this Christ Self is Isness Be-ing, the wholeness of essence and agency in One Unity.
This emergence of the Christ Self is simple. So simple the false self cannot believe it. The false self, again which is really a no-self, uses intricate spiritual systems and religious beliefs to try what would happen as gift simply by a trusting surrender and openness to Pure Love. For Love is Sourcing and Be-ing of the Christ Self.
See next page for details on OneLife Ministries, Brian's book An Ache for Union, and material pertaining to sources used in the writing.
Feel free to submit a query. Thanks! Brian K. Wilcox
See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.
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