Wisdom Story
An old Cherokee tells his granddaughter of a fight going on inside him. He tells her it is between two wolves. One is evil: filled with all manner of harmfulness to others and oneself. The other wolf is good: filled with qualities of helpfulness to others and oneself. The granddaughter thinks about his words for a little. She, then, askes, "Which wolf wins?" He replies, "The one I feed."
Suggested Reflection
How does the above story apply to your life?
See next page for details on OneLife Ministries, Brian's book An Ache for Union, and material pertaining to sources used in the writing.
Feel free to submit a query. Thanks! Brian K. Wilcox
See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.
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