Wisdom Saying
During our short lives the question that guides much of our behavior is: "Who are we?" Although we may seldom pose that question in a formal way, we live it concretely in our day-to-day decisions.
*Henri J. M. Nouwen, Here and Now:Living in the Spirit
Nouwen reminds us of the three typical responses that we live in our Western culture to the question, "Who am I?" He mentions live, for we do not necessarily give these answers to the question of our identity.
Nouwen, apparently, rightly implies we live what we truly believe about our identity, rather than what we think we ought to believe about it.
1) We are what we do.
2) We are what others say about us.
3) We are what we have.
The first response arises from success and achievements; the second is a reply based on popularity or reputation; the third addresses power or ownership.
If I am what I do, then, when I die I am no more. If I am what others think of me, then, when I die I am no more. If I am what I claim to own, then, when I die I am no more.
Jesus taught his disciples and, so, us, to pray "Our Father." Gender issues aside, "Father" speaks of our relation to Ultimate Reality. We pray as Offspring of Love. We each live in spiritual communion in the Whole: "our."
This is our identity. We are part of God, the Whole. We are part of the mystical communion existing from, in, and for this Loving Potency, this Grace-Full Life.
Who we truly see ourselves to be determines, to a marked extent, the decisions and relationships of our lives, daily. If we have a mistaken identity, we will live a mistaken life. If we have a true identity, we will strive to live up to it.
Jesus says, "You are from and of and for God." Jesus says, "You are in the communion of all creatures living in reverence of the Reality of Grace and living and sharing peace, love, and joy for the good of all peoples."
My true identity says two things about responsibility in all my decisions. I am ultimately responsible to One who is "Father" and "Mother." I am responsible to the other with whom I share in God the Life of Be-ing Love-ing.
That is Brian's identity! Not what Brian thinks he owns. Not what others say about Brian. Not what Brian has accomplished or his successes. His identity is defined by Love and you~with~me~in~Love.
Our true identity is not that we fall in love with just one person; we are always falling in Love in Love.
All other identity is a lie. All other religion and so-called spirituality is denial of Amazing Grace~defiance against the only way to peace for us, and the cessation of human hate and violence, along with the blooming of the Unfading Rose of Beauty.
Suggested Reflection
What false identities might be shaping your life in directions that are not leading you to the fullness of love, joy, and peace?
Who are you, really?