A Story The dean of a religious school spoke to the dean of another religious school from the same denomination, “The ministerial graduates of your school are known as the best preachers of all graduates from our schools. How is that?” The dean called up his Professor of Preaching, and asked, “Why do your preaching students have the reputation of being the best preachers from all our schools?” The Professor or Preaching replied, “Well, I teach them what the other Professors of Preaching in the other schools teach; like, how to research, how to use the biblical languages, how to detect literary devices, and the importance of praying about the message. But, I teach them something that is the secret to their success.” “What is that?” asked the dean. "I teach them to remember and practice three simple words when they stand up to preach, after they have studied, prayed, and prepared. Get yourself out of the way.”
Comments The secret to spiritual power is not how much you can do for God. The secret to spiritual power is how much you can let God do in and through you.
Spiritual Exercise
Have you faced a situation in which you gave up control of trying to handle things yourself and to discover that from that point the Spirit worked it all out in time?
Are you facing a situation now that you need to surrender to the Spirit? Will you do that now?
Affirmation for Today The Spirit flows freely through me.