A Story
A young, inexperienced pastor visited an older, very experienced pastor. The younger pastor asked, “What is the most important but hardest lesson you had to learn as a pastor?” Replied the older pastor, “How terribly afraid persons are of three things they claim to want so badly?” “What are those things?” inquired the younger pastor. “Love, freedom, and truth,” answered the older man.
The very things we most aspire for are things we most resist. Persons long for Love, but run from it. Persons speak of freedom, but sabotage it. Persons claim to be seeking truth, but huddle together under old beliefs, not because they are true, but because they are more inviting than the discovering of what has heretofore been unknown and unlived among them. The unspiritual man or woman seeks comfort and affirmation above Love, freedom, and truth. What shall you seek above all?
A Story
The headline in the paper read: “Freed Man Dies In Prison Cell.” In the article was a statement reported by a fellow prisoner. “I asked him why he would not leave his cell, seeing that he was a freed man and the door was standing open. He replied to me, ‘At least I know what is in here.’”