Wisdom Story by Brian K. Wilcox
A seeker visited the spiritual Master.
"Master, I'm here to find the path to enlightenment."
"And how might you receive the Light?"
"By turning toward the Light."
"And what does that mean to you?"
"That I turn from the darkness."
"You will never find the Light by turning from the darkness."
"Master, then, if I turn to the darkness, I am turning from the Light. Is that not so?"
"No, when you are turning toward the darkness, you are turning toward the Light."
"Master, how can that be possible?"
"How can it be possible that God is not equally everywhere?"
"God, as I have been taught, is everywhere?"
"Then, turn to the Light, and you turn to the darkness. Turn to the darkness, and you turn to the Light. See, it is a single motion, ceaseless in all things. Keep turning, you will dizzy and lose your present clarity, which is no clarity. You will wake up from dizziness and will have discovered One. Then, and only then, will you be enlightened."
"Then, Master, why do persons speak of light and darkness?"
"Because they still see the two as two. No more words. Words only maintain the illusion of separation."
*Brian K. Wilcox, 04/31/07
Wisdom Poem
Shadow and Light Source Both by Rumi
How does a part of the world leave the world?
How does wetness leave water? Don't' try to
put out fire by throwing on more fire! Don't
wash a wound with blood. No matter how fast
you run, your shadow keeps up. Sometimes it's
in front! Only full overhead sun diminishes
your shadow. But that shadow has been serving
you. What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is
your candle. Your boundaries are your quest.
I could explain this, but it will break the
glass cover on your heart, and there's no
fixing that. You must have shadow and light
source both. Listen, and lay your head under
the tree of awe. When from that tree feathers
and wings sprout on you, be quieter than
a dove. Don't even open your mouth for even a coo.
Suggested Reflection
How do you open to experience the energy of the Divine Creator in both light and darkness, as one Wisdom leading to wholeness in the Christ? What does it mean to transcend the dualities of opposites in the Unity that is God?
See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.
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