Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OneWayLifeWorks


Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand

The One Way Life Works

May 3, 2007

Saying For Today: His teaching was not rules, religious philosophy, metaphysics, or spirituality imposed on life. Rather, Jesus says, then and now, This is the way Life works.

Wisdom Saying

Place first in your life the Powerful Presence of the Divine and what honors that One, then all these other concerns will naturally fall into place.

*Jesus Christ

Wisdom Story

A spiritual Master called his disciples together. He showed them a large clay jar. He spoke, "Help me fill this jar with rocks."

The students gathered rocks. They filled the jar until not one more rock could fit.

The Master asked, "Is the jar now full?"

The disciples affirmed yes. But the Master picked up some pebbles. He said, "Do you think we can fit any of these inside?"

The disciples began dropping pebbles into the jar. They were amazed at how many pebbles could fit into the spaces between the rocks. After a while, no more pebbles would fit.

"Is the jar now full?" asked the Master. Again his disciples affirmed yes.

The Master replied, "Very good! But perhaps some sand could fit inside." He began pouring sand into the jar. And, again, the disciples were amazed at the amount of space for sand between the pebbles. Finally, no more sand would go in the jar.

The Master spoke, "This is the lesson. If we had started by putting in sand, we would never have been able to put in pebbles. If we had started by putting in pebbles, we would never have been able to put in the rocks. This jar is the vessel of your own souls. You need to fill your souls with the most important things first. After you do that, you'll be surprised how much space will be left for everything else."



Jesus was embodiment of Sophia, Divine Wisdom. His teaching was not rules, religious philosophy, metaphysics, or spirituality imposed on life. Rather, Jesus says then and now, "This is the way Life works. Life works this way, for Life comes forth from God. To be godly is not unnatural; being godly is simply living in sync with Life."

Jesus says through the Gospel. "Life is designed to work in one way, and no other way. Put attention, devotion, obedience to God first in your life. If you do this, all else will fall into place, naturally. If you do not, you're in for a mess."

Yes, it is that simple~God first. Anyone can make this choice, at any moment.

Suggested Reflection

What does it mean to you to put God first in your life? Are you doing that? If so, how? If not, why not? How might you begin placing God first in every area of your life experience?



See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.


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©Brian Wilcox 2024