Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OnSanctification


Chili Peppers, Vomit, Mud Holes

Becoming A Sacred Person

May 9, 2007

Saying For Today: We must let those energies be transformed and redirected in ways that will evolve us in godlikeness, rather than keep us in familiar patterns driven by inward passions not complying with natural laws of life, or Divine Wisdom.

Wisdom Story

A disciple found the Sufi sage Mullah Nasruddin eating from a pile of chili peppers. The mullah was sweating profusely. His face was flushed with pain. When asked what he was doing, he replied, "If only I keep doing this a little longer, I'm sure I'll find a sweet one."


Proverbs 3.11

As a dog returns to its vomit,
so a fool repeats his foolishness.

II Peter 2.20-22

20When they learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they escaped from the filthy things of this world. But they are again caught up and controlled by these filthy things, and now they are in worse shape than they were at first. 21They would have been better off if they had never known about the right way. Even after they knew what was right, they turned their backs on the holy commandments that they were given. 22What happened to them is just like the true saying,

"A dog will come back

to lick up its own vomit.

A pig that has been washed

will roll in the mud."


Sanctification is a theological term for being transformed into a holy, or a sacred, person. This being spiritualized means the Spirit is the Divine Alchemist. The Spirit takes the coarser elements and experiences of body~mind and releases the Light that inflows into them through the creative agency of God.

God purposes for each of us, as offspring of the Divine, to become fully God-like in our whole selves. Being God-like often conflicts with general understandings of what is meant by being holy, godly, religious, or spiritual.

The story and scriptures above enlighten us on being-made-sacred through and through. They remind us that, as with Nasruddin, old patterns of selfish or ignorant action must be transformed, or we will keep repeating the same harmful thoughts and behaviors.

Some thoughts and actions do not have potential for freeing and spiritualizing us. They harm others, they harm us. We must let those energies be transformed and redirected in ways that will evolve us in God-likeness, rather than keep us in familiar patterns driven by inward passions not complying with natural laws of life, or Divine Wisdom.

When we are like a dog returning to its vomit or a pig returning to the same old mud hole, we can confess responsibility. The act of confession itself is a move beyond guilt and is part of the transmutation itself, for confession evidences and encourages the enlightenment and strength to participate in the reforming of our selves into a unified~complex of Sacred, Helpful Energy. We are becoming, then, like to God Godself, in the Grace of Christ, and through the partnering agency of the Holy Spirit.

Suggested Reflection

Are there any habitual patterns in your life you need to pray about, asking God for Grace in changing those harmful thoughts or actions?

How do you see your self becoming more of a God-like being? Explain.

Who in your life has modeled what it truly means to be a God-like being? Describe the qualities of the spirit and actions of that person that has impressed you as Christ-like?



See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OnSanctification

©Brian Wilcox 2025