Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > GodsWillDiscoveringYou


Go Enjoy Yourself!

God's Will Discovering You

May 10, 2007

Saying For Today: The Christ, who is the Intelligence of the Universe, is always wanting to share with us and guide us. The Christ does not want you to walk around lost.

Wisdom Saying

You don't have to get overly excited when things are going well or, conversely, tumble into depression when they aren't. Enjoy yourself, and the universe will open up.

*Yehuda Berg. True Prosperity.


Now, turn on that fecund imagination you have. Put yourself in the middle of this story. In fact, you are the main character. You are going to get an answer that can change your life. Read this story over a few times, so you know the plot. Close your eyes and live it. Ready...

You walk up to an esteemed spiritual sage. You have heard he has the secret of discovering God's Will for your life. You are in great anticipation, awed at the chance to hear the wisdom of this esteemed teacher. You sit before him. You speak softely and with awe, "Sir, how may I discover God's Will for my life? He replies, smiling and laughing, "Friend, you cannot discover God's Will for your life." Stunned and disappointed, you question, "Why not?" He replies, "God's Will discovers you." Still confused, you inquire, "Okay, then, assuming that is true, how does God's Will discover me?" The sage says, again smiling and laughing, as though he does not have a care in the world, "Friend, just enjoy yourself, and God's Will will open to you!" You are stunned. You leave, thinking, "Can it be that simple?"

Let me assure you, if you are not being discovered by God's Will, you are shutting down on life. What are you shutting down? Your mind and heart. You are shutting off the Universe communicating with you. The Mind of Christ, for Christ is in all things, is the Mind of the Cosmos. This Cosmos, with you, is teeming with Life.

What is important about keeping open mind and? Well, let me share some thoughts on that.

The mind is a way of speaking of common sense and logical reason. This entails what we mean by intelligence and wisdom. When we shut down the mind, we can assign God's Will to the most stupid, selfish, and irreverent matters.

The heart is a way of speaking of the deeper processes of intuitive~spiritual insight. This goes beyond emotions and thoughts. This is connection to the level of reasoning before, or below, or above, or outside, linear logic.

Here is a universal principle of Spirit, thus, applying to everyone, everywhere, regardless of how smart one thinks he or she is:

You cannot discern any of God's Will beyond linear reason by means of linear reason, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much linear information you accumulate.

Okay, let me make this a little simpler. The Universe is a one-percent and ninety-nine-percent Reality. The Christ, who is the Intelligence of the Universe, is always wanting to share with us and guide us. The Christ does not want you to walk around lost.

So, we have approximately one-percent of this Universe to access by the five senses, with the reasoning of emotions and brain. This is, let us call it, the Logical Face of the Cosmos.

Now, what of that ninety-nine-percent of the Cosmos. Let us call this the Trans-Logical Face of the Cosmos.

This means that to know God's Will, you are only equipped by human feelings and logic to receive Divine guidance from one- percent of God. That is, you, by conventional means, have access to only one-percent of the Mind of Christ. And, usually, you do not access but a small percentage of that.

Now, let us assume God, being Love, wants us to know much more about what God Wills, Thinks, Enjoys, ... Then, it takes means outside, or beyond, the human tools of feeling and linear reason to receive from that Trans-Logical Face.

So, we enjoy life. We communion daily with the Divine. We love the One, and we let the One love us. Through such devotion, the journey we live in God prepares us to receive more of the Mind of God. Through such openness in Love, and engagement with the Will of God already revealed to us, God gives progressively more of Himself, or Herself, to us. The more we receive and live, the more God will give, and that much more we receive and live.

So, yes ~ going back to the opening story ~ it is that simple. When you enjoy this life, but not just for your own selfish reasons, but to be a channel of blessing for the world, God's Will meets you, opens to you, enriches you, and this journey keeps unfolding as long as you keep open your heart and mind to Grace.

Now .. Go enjoy yourself! Honor what your deepest heart longs to do and enjoys doing. Do it! Give it! And for the right reason ~ Love, be-ing a channel of blessing for others.

So, here is another one of those universal, spiritual truths, or principles:

When you act just for yourself, that closes off the Inflow of Grace ~ the Inflow is damned up [the Bible calls this quenching the Spirit]. When you act for the good of others, for anyone, that keeps open the inflow of Grace [the Bible calls this walking in the Spirit].



See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > GodsWillDiscoveringYou

©Brian Wilcox 2025