Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WayofInspiration


Flowing In, Flowing Out

The Way of Inspiration

May 15, 2007

Saying For Today: To be being inspired, or "in-spirited, in-breathed," by Grace means receiving a Vitality more encompassing than you yourself.

Wisdom Story

"There will be a meeting of the Board right after the Worship Service," announced the pastor. After the benediction the group gathered for the meeting. There was a stranger in the midst. He was a visitor who had never attended the church before. "My friend," the Pastor asked, did you understand this is a meeting of the Board?" "Yes," said the visitor, "and after that sermon, I'm about as bored as you can get!"

Scripture ~ Genesis 2.7

The Living One Eternal took a handful of soil and made a soil creature. The One breathed the breath of all living things into the nostrils of the soil creature. The soil creature started breathing.


We are to live inspired lives. Therefore, we can live inspiring lives. In the spiritual life, then, inspired precedes inspiring.

To be being inspired, or "in-spirited, in-breathed," by Grace means receiving a Vitality more encompassing than you yourself.

The process, exemplified in Scripture, is we receive inflow from Spirit into flesh. The natural aspect of Self is animated by the Spirit, or spiritual aspect.

This Spirit, or God, is the Source. We, like a circuitry, by connection to the Source, are Means of Grace. Grace animates you, Grace animates through you.

There is only one thing that can cut off Inflow of Grace. Your lack of reception.

There is only one thing that can keep flowing Inflow of Grace. Your reception.

Religion provides material aspects to help us receive. Religion, when it facilitates the flow of Spirit, is one with what we call spirituality.

Choose, today, to live an inspired and inspiring Life. True spirituality is everything but boring!

Suggested Reflection

What are religious practices you employ alone or in community to facilitate the Inflow and Outflow of Grace?

If you receive inspiration, you will not have to try to be a blessing to others. You will automatically be a blessing to others. In receiving the inflow, you are blessed, and it is from that blessing that you share yourself. The great blessing of being a blessing is that the blessing is you!


*Brian K. Wilcox is a United Methodist Pastor, writer, and workshop leader in Florida. He seeks to enrich the Christian Church through his work, as well as facilitate healing of person, society, and our world through wisdom teaching in the Christian path and other paths of spirituality.

He can be reached at brian7777@earthlink.net .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WayofInspiration

©Brian Wilcox 2025