Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > LoveRighteousness


Rules Righteousness or Love Righteousness

Love Before Law

May 19, 2007

Wisdom Saying

Rules are wonderful servants of Love, but terrible tyrants when applied in violation of Love. We can justify violating law for the cause of true Love, we can never justify keeping law in violation of true Love.

*Brian K. Wilcox

Wisdom Story

The following is a story~poem from Anthony De Mello ...

There were rules
in the monastery,
but the Master
always warned
against the tyranny
of the law.

keeps the rules,"
he would say.
"Love knows
when to
break them."

Suggested Reflections

1. What is the difference between rules righteousness and Love righteousness?

2. How did Jesus Christ live and model for us right-relations arising from God-Love ~ Agape ~ not law?

3. Why do you think many professing Christians take refuge in strict, literal adherence to the "letter of" Scripture as opposed to reading and interpreting It through the eyes of Love?

4. How might we Christians be truer to the intent and role of Scripture interpreting it in the light of Grace, or Love, as opposed to treating Scripture as a rigid, rule book?

5. Have you ever struggled between a sense of something you believed right to do, based on past example and teaching, and a sense of another and loving thing to do?

6. The basic Judeo-Christian idea of righteousness is "right relations among persons," as in "just relating among persons and peoples." How might this shape conversation on important matters of human equity in both religion and politics?

7. Do you think that the mainline church is adequately addressing important ethical and social issues? Explain your response.

*Anthony De Mello quote is from www.elsajoy.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > LoveRighteousness

©Brian Wilcox 2025