Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > DailyRenewed


Wasting Away, While Being Renewed

Living Contact With Living Christ

May 20, 2007

Saying For Today: Divine inflow leads into divine outflow. Contemplation is participation in this ceaseless, enlivening Flowing.

Today's Scripture ~ II Corinthians 4.16 (ESV)

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.


Contemplation is a process of daily renewal through Living, Intimate Contact with the Living Christ. This Christ is not inside; this Christ is not outside. If we must go inside to meet this Christ, that is not the Christ. If we must go outside to meet this Christ, that is not the Christ.

We do not only go inside ourselves for Intermingling with Christ. We do not only go outside ourselves for Intermingling with Christ. When we meet Christ, then outside and inside are one, for the Divine is One.

Three indicates the mystery of plurality in unity, multiplicity in simplicity. God is God for being One~in~Three. Without absolute simplicity, God is not Three~in~One; without absolute plurality, God is not Three~in~One. With absolute simplicity and absolute plurality, the One~in~Three is I AM, Is Is-ing, Com~munity.

Contemplation leads us, in time, to discern the I AM in all things. Then, we do not just set aside time to pray. Life becomes prayer: True Life is Prayer.

When all life is a rite of prayer, Living Contact with any person or creature, internal or external, concrete or abstract, seen or unseen can be a way of receiving grace.

Grace renews us, then, making us more sensitive to the holiness of life and enlivening us in the essential aspect of ourselves as spirit~from~Spirit.

So, Contemplation is a process of Divine inflow, ever new, for ever eternal, thus, ever renewing.

Living Contact in all things is Living Contact with Christ, Who is both outside and inside the created order, as One Reality of Love. Divine inflow leads into divine outflow. Contemplation is participation in this ceaseless, enlivening Flowing.

Suggested Spiritual Exercise: A Breath Prayer

Living Christ, renew me in your Love.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > DailyRenewed

©Brian Wilcox 2025