To the disciples who were always asking for words of wisdom the Master said, "Wisdom is not expressed in words. It reveals itself in action." But when he saw them plunge headlong into activity, he laughed aloud and said, "That isn't action. That's motion."
The above story, told by Anthony De Mello, confronts us with the oft identification of busyness with faithfulness. According to this popular equation, the more I am doing, then, the more committed I am. Then, the more I am committed, the more committed I want to be, thus, the busier I must be. And, if not careful, the more I show myself committed by what I do, the more I am asked to do by others and, then, the more I do because I want to show I am committed by doing.
There is only one escape from the tyranny of motion. Grace. In the gracefulness of Love, we can act out of motives that transcend the self. Likewise, we can realize that time for Silence and Stillness develops our intimacy with the Depths, from which we can be most deeply and compassionately with others, without our ego-self standing between the other and ourselves.