A Spiritual Teacher noticed one of his students becoming more and more strict in his religion. The student was becoming somewhat fanatical and drawing attention to himself. The Spiritual Teacher called him aside, saying, “True holiness goes almost totally unnoticed; the more religious one tends to become, the more likely he strays from true holiness.”
A devotee was constantly engaging in religious devotion and gestures of worship. God, exasperated, spoke to him, “Man, do me a favor and go get a life!”
Once Jesus Christ showed up at the First Christ Church, at the Sunday morning Worship Service. No one noticed.
An aspirate visited a renowned Spiritual Master. “Master, I have come to be your disciple.” “Why?” “Master, for I want to be spiritual.” “Sir, when you no longer want to be spiritual, then, come back and I will be your Teacher.”
"God has no religion." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)