Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > IAMTHAT



The Mystery of self-as-Self

Jun 14, 2008

Saying For Today: Christian humility entails full acceptance of the divinity of the self-as-Self and living the oneness with the Divine Being in loving and submissive union; in other words, living the mystery of Christ and the Church.

The following is a fully-revised, expanded edition of the OneLife writing for November 30, 2004.

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I begin by offering some quotes on mystical union.

There is neither distinction in God nor in the Persons of the Trinity according to the unity of their nature. The divine nature is one, and each Person is both One and the same One as God's nature. Meister Eckhart. On the Noble Man

The One descends into everything and into each single thing, yet remaining the One that unites what is distinct. Meister Eckhart. "Sermon LW XXIX."

God ... is the being of all beings. Meister Eckhart. "Sermon LW XXIX."

28For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

*Acts 17.28, KJV

I kneel in prayer to the Father. All beings in heaven and on earth receive their life from him. God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers.

*Ephesians 3.14-16, CEV

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Many persons have been taught a harmful teaching. This teaching denies the full, fleshy Incarnation. It assumes that humbleness means rejection of the self, especially the body. The assumption is that less attention to the self means more attention to God.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > IAMTHAT

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