Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > StandardofJesus


The Standard of Jesus

What Begins With You, Now

Jun 22, 2005

Saying For Today: Love transcends toleration in an embrace of compassion. Toleration alone is simply permissiveness.

A young man was a strong critic against Sufis. One day, a Sufi, Dhu Nun, took a ring from his finger. Dhu Nun gave it to the man. "Take this to the market and sell it for a dollar," instructed the Sufi. The young man took it to the market and tried to sell it. No one would give him more than ten cents for it. He returned to Dhu Nun with the news. Dhu Nun said, “Now, take the ring to the jewelers and see what they price it at." The jewelers priced the ring at one thousand dollars. "You know as much about Sufis," Dhu Nun informed the young man, “as those in the marketplace know about this ring.” The young man repented; he became a believer in the ways of the Sufis.

Often inside and outside religion, the principles of Love are violated, sacrificed on the altar of past opinion. Often those who criticize religion are persons who know little about religion. Many persons carry wounds from early religious experience. Rather than grow out of the wounds, these persons use their wounds to defend against commitment to faith.

Frequently persons criticize other religions, even though they have never studied them in depth. What education they received on the other religions was, usually, from persons already prejudiced against the religions. Likewise, the religions were judged on an outside perspective, rather than an inside one.

We have nothing to fear from Truth in different faiths and practices. Getting unafraid is part of growing up. Also, if we esteem that God is Love and Truth is Love, we no longer stand as Judge over the ways others seek God. We are too limited and errant to speak as the final Arbitrator.


Still, we can find a standard for evaluating religion. For me as a Christian, that is the standard of Jesus, not the standard of anyone after Jesus. Jesus said, clearly, that everything Spirit requires is given in a direct, simple synopsis: Love. We are to love God and others with all our being.

Our challenge in spiritual growth is to come closer and closer to the Heart of God, and that is Love. With this movement, we see more and more the simplicity of our calling and duty to love. Finally, we get to the point that Love is our sole intent and motivation, for Love loves through us in thought and action. We are loyal to our Path. We are open to seeing clearly where religion, including the religion we are in, can be abusive and in need of transformation. We do not care anymore about being critical, however, and setting ourselves up as Judge. We come to see that God in Christ, in Christianity, are often used to arrogate truth and Spirit to one path. However, we see this human tendency in all paths. We come to see this is not so much an issue of religion, or right and wrong, as our behavior, our being critical, our blaspheming by prideful using of God to speak wrong against others and draw a big circle only around our group. We can call this for what it is: pride. Pride can dress up in a Sunday robe and call itself Reverend, but it is still old-fashioned pride, when it behaves with insolence toward those outside the tribal parameters.

Soon, as we move to the Heart of God in Christ, not only do we feel love for everyone, we love those who seek God in other ways than our own. We are learning the standard of Jesus.

Just imagine what could happen if the world religions could come together in compassion? But, narrow that down and ask, “Just imagine, what would happen if you committed yourself, now, to speak only love of all peoples and never judge or criticize the ways that persons are drawn by God to seek God, as best they can seek God?” Does not God accept the best you know in seeking God? Then, that should apply to everyone, right? Or, if not, you need to apply the same prideful and exclusive standard to yourself. Right?


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > StandardofJesus

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