“Discomfort.” What do you feel when you hear that word? What do you think about the idea “discomfort”? Do you ever pray, “Lord, give me discomfort”? Likely not.
We are creatures of comfort, though we face much that is discomforting. Still, in our pursuit of comfort we can create the conditions that continue discomfort. See, the main goal of the ego self seems to be that we will receive comfort, while the main intent of the True Self is for commitment, intimacy, and authenticity.
Allan Watts, in The Wisdom of Insecurity, writes: "The common error of ordinary religious practice is to mistake the symbol for the reality, to look at the finger pointing the way and then to suck it for comfort rather than follow it." This pertains to the Christian church, as well as religion generally.
Many Christians seem to struggle to understand that following Jesus Christ entails no priority on comfort. Jesus' primary intent in your life is not to make sure you have comfort.
Commitment comes before comfort. Often, indeed, we must pass through a basic acceptance and surrender into discomfort to receive comfort.
Therefore, religion is not primarily for us to have comfort or lead comfortable lives. Likewise, comfort is not necessarily the evidence that you are spiritual or faithful.
The King James Version rendition of St. John 14.18 is: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” “Comfortless” is better rendered “as orphans” or “like orphans.” The passage can read: “I will not leave you alone, …”
Religion is a form entailing the intimacy of relationship with the Divine. Religion is not the essence of the Intimacy. Reflective of Watts’ words above, religion is not a form for us to suck, so that we can have a consistent diet of consolation apart from commitment. Indeed, to follow the Divine can be very discomforting, at times.
Jesus repeatedly invited persons to follow him. His example showed his followers, and us, that to follow Christ can lead to much discomfort.
Through accepting the discomfort of spiritual growth and following Love, we grow into a paradox. We learn that by leaning into the discomfort, rather than resisting it, there is an underlying peace that is unspeakable. Through relinquishing the selfish demand for comfort, consolation arises in our Intimacy with the Christ who will never leave us alone.
Therefore, consolation grows out of a relationship of Intimacy with God, based on mutual, reciprocal commitment. And, also, Spirit can allow us to endure great discomfort to pull us toward the Loving Heart of God. But, within the Heart of God, we find a peace unspeakable and a Love marvelous.
Spiritual Exercise How might God be using a discomforting situation in your life now to teach you to surrender to Divine Providence and commit your life more trustingly to Christ?
©OneLife Ministries is a Contemplative Outreach Ministry of the Pastor of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL
OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS The People of the United Methodist Church