Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > CompassionateLife


Little Molly Is Real!

On Compassionate Living

Jul 12, 2007

Saying For Today: God must be the Center of that subjectivity, the Subject of our subjecting within us, each and together, all ourselves to all of God.

Wisdom Saying

Compassion means by its etymology "a sharing in the real feelings of" another. The other cannot be an object to me. She is Subject. I must choose to enter her subjectivity, as a veil into the Holy of Holies she is in the Subject, God. I must do this though the passage is a baffling mystery, and I must do it through intimacy with my subjectivity, which too is a baffling mystery. I will find that subjectivity in our both being the subjectivity of God and God being our subjectivity. I am to be personally involved with her, but not as a detached observer, or as someone simply giving her something. Subjectivity must enter subjectivity in a oneness that neither she nor I can be or know alone. God must be the Center of that subjectivity, the Subject of our subjecting within us, each and together, all ourselves to all of God. Then I discover God, the real God in the realness that she is, in the realness she and I enjoy together only in God!

*Brian K. Wilcox, 071107

Wisdom Story

The whole family went to eat out one evening. Menus were given to all, including Molly, the eight-year-old daughter. The adults began sharing adult conversation. They ignored Molly.

The waiter came back to take orders. He came to Molly last, saying, "And what do you want?" She replied, "A hot dog and a soda."

Molly's grandmother interrupted, "No, she'll have the roast chicken dinner, carrots, and mashed potatoes."

The father chimed in, "And milk to drink."

The waiter spoke, as he walked away, "Would you like ketchup or mustard on your hot dog?"

Molly called out, "Ketchup." She turned to her family, adding, "You know what? He thinks I'm real!"


My Christ, whom do I intentionally or unintentionally ignore? I know the pain of being ignored for being different, for being myself. I was taught to be honest and love You above all, but I suffered rejection doing that in ways other persons had not experienced themselves. I know the hurt of being hated, ill-spoken of, damned, and ostracized for seeking faithfully to follow You as my heart was led along by Your light. But after I have felt such loneliness, am I afraid to enter that loneliness in others, joining with them in being outcasts and judged misfits? I say I love You, but I find I must love You truly and deeply by solidarity with the ones esteemed least and last, for that is the life You lived among us, Blessed Jesus. I speak freely of loving, but I find it another matter when faced with my prejudices and fears. Christ, grace me to surrender repeatedly my plans for helping others. Guide me to be open to feel and listen to their longings, not assuming what I myself think they need or want must be right for them. I cannot do this, my Lord, except as I fall more deeply into the Heart that knows us all more intimately than we know ourselves. That Heart is no one other than You. Grace me, My Lord; show me the way to love You freely and serve others so that they, too, might rejoice in this freedom that lives between You and me in Love. Amen.

Suggested Reflection

What does the above saying and story imply about the heart of living a compassionate life?

What does it feel like to be treated as unreal, like an object?

What does it feel like to open yourself to feel with another person her feelings, apart from your thoughts about or wishes for her?

When was the last time you really let someone have compassion for you? What words describe what that was like for you?

Do you find it easier to give compassion or receive compassion? Explain.

Is there someone in your life God wants you to share compassion with? Who? How might you prepare yourself to do that?



See next page for Invitation to writer's contemplative village, purpose of OneLife, data on ordering author's book and upcoming devotionals 2008, and material on citations.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > CompassionateLife

©Brian Wilcox 2024