Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > JourneyTruth > Page 2


The Journey of Truth

Contemplation and Integration of Truth

Page 2

The contemplative is most suited, among all persons, to integrate truth into a unity that is suprapersonal—according to the common understanding of “personal.” Suprapersonal indicates the truth integrates into other truth as one Truth, no longer divided, parceled into pieces of half-truth, or part-truth. Truths become a complex of personal subjectivity. The contemplative, due to the intensely personal nature of union with the Divine—a subjectivity touching her whole self-system—, integrates truth into Truth as part of the same subjective experience. For her Truth is not discovered, by grace or nature, as an object external to the Self; rather, the discovery of truths is in service to the Truth, from Whom all truth issues into finiteness to integrate in the human being and be fused in a synthesis of Wholeness.

In a “Letter to Hélène,” February 1905, Albert Schweitzer wrote:

We preach about texts—prescribed texts—so we do not have to tell our own thoughts, and in the end we have run away from our own thoughts that we don’t know any more. And one can only preach what is based on one’s own thoughts. That this is not taught us in our pastoral training, I will hold against the professors themselves. They shaped us into skillful practitioners, but did not want us to strive for something higher.

Likewise, the journey of Truth is not an objective matter, whereby we are mere recipients of a truth waiting for discovery and, then, transmission to other persons. The subjectivity of the contemplative is one with the subjectivity of Truth. She has a personal relationship with the personality of Truth, or truthfulness.


Practicing oneness with the world and the ideas arising from the Word, in Whom all truths exist in perfect unity, the contemplative has a living, growing relationship with truths and Truth. The discovery of truth transforms her into the image of Truth, so that she no longer speaks as one separate from Truth. She is fused with the meanings offered by nature and grace into a single, coherent, living Thought, which she witnesses in all the world and shining through the teachings of those outside her faith or among those with no confession of faith. And she sees this Truth glowing in Nature.


What encouraged you in the writing today? Explain.

Did you disagree with something in the writing today? If so, explain.

Spiritual Exercise

Choose a book with selections from the greatest thinkers in Christian history. Read a little from it daily. For recommendations on resources, write Brian at the address below.

Make sure you have a sacred space in your home for time alone in prayer and spiritual reading.

Make sure you are in a covenant group. For more information on covenant groups, write me at the address below.

Consider, if you are not already, sponsoring a child through Compassion International. You can find out more about Compassion International by going to www.compassion.net to read about sponsoring, in the name of Jesus, children living in poverty. Thanks! Brian K. Wilcox

Brian’s book An Ache For Union can be purchased at major book dealers.

To contact Brian, write briankwilcox@comcast.net .

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > JourneyTruth > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024