How can you know the meaning of intimacy? You cannot see it objectively because intimacy is not the result of activity; intimacy blooms right in the midst of activity itself. If you try to understand intimacy intellectually, as a concept, you never know real intimacy.
*Dainin Katagiri. Each Moment Is the Universe: Zen and the Way of Being Time.
What humans most fear is not death but life. By this, I mean intimacy-with-what-is - Life is intimacy... Intimacy Itself.
Intimacy is not merely a state of being - Intimacy is Being-Life, or Life-Being.
All things bear intimacy aligned with their nature, as humans have varying capacities for closeness.
"The wind is blowing," we say, but intimately the wind is the blowing - intimacy.
"The river is flowing," we say, but intimately the river is the flowing - intimacy.
"The sun is shining," we say, but intimately the sun and shining is the sunshine - one.
The eye does not see itself, for the eye is intimate - with itself.
The eye is intimate with itself - through action, for the eye-eyes.
Some have been so attracted into the heart-of-hearts that their presence is palpably an invitation to the Silence - intimacy with the Good, True, and Beautiful.
To be with such is to be drawn into awareness of a Presence holding the other and oneself in a prior but present oneness.
In this encounter, what one says and does becomes an invitation from the Quiet - enfolding sound and silence.
In Intimacy, words become a celebration of unceasing union - love vibrating with feeling-sensations.
What is said, done, and felt is sacralized for expressing That in which presence and absence are one - intimately.
One discovers Silence is not a negation of anything, but is Intimacy - unceasing consent to Life - spontaneously.
One begins choosing this Silence... to discover, one has been the chosen of Silence.
One finds oneself to be renewed by the Silence, for one is the Intimacy they wished for before it was sought outside oneself.
In Intimacy, drop explanations of Intimacy - one knows intimately, thus one knows Intimacy.