Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SenseofTranscendence > Page 2


Sense of Transcendence

Seeing as God Sees

Page 2

The aim of true Christianity is to stimulate the sense of transcendence, so that we can love God for the sake of loving God and in God love all creatures. St. Augustine (354-430) wrote, “If something other than God seems lovable to you, channel it into the river of divine love” (On Christian Doctrine). And, if we channel our loves into that river of Love, we find an amazing blessing. We find in the river capacity to love all creatures, for that capacity inheres in the Word, not in the individual person, you or me. This return is, also, return to That before differentiated phenomena, from Whom all arises to be a blessing. That is, we return to Being, Being untouched by the changes of chronos. We, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit, bring that sensation of Being into the world of action but without losing grounding in kairos. Then, we know, those persons most prepared to change the world for good, to be channels of blessing, are persons, of whatever faith tradition, living deeply in Essence, not deeply in action.

And, in this depth, the religions must meet to join together in healing creation in Christ. We must learn whatever we can from each other, to practice communion and be transforming agents for all humankind and the environment.

St. Paul speaks of this depth, this place of the river of love, to the Colossians:

6Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (2.6-7, ESV)

“Walk in him” is not simply an act of practical obedience; rather, walking in Christ is a contemplative reference to a life lived in communion with the Living Christ.


I read of a father, Native American, who told of a ritual he leads his children in each morning. Every morning this deeply spiritual dad leads his children outside to see the morning Sun. This leads them to be grateful and mindful of the Creator throughout the whole day. How many parents do a ritual with their kids to begin each day in a sense of transcendence and gratitude to the Spirit?

So, instead of our complaining and preaching about religion and its decline in our culture, how are you and I going to help stimulate the sense of transcendence—both an intellectual and affective pursuit. Why both “intellectual” and “affective”? For we do not need an ignorant, sometimes sadly stupid, expression of Christianity. Also, we do not need a heartless, intellectualized Christianity. We need a trust in Spirit informed by reason and passion.

Each of us must take personal responsibility in our lives for the stimulation of transcendence. How do you do that now? How will you do it? Where does your own devotional life fit in your priorities? While nurture of devotional spirituality is not simplistic, it is simple, and it should be priority—for all else flows out of recognition and daily remembrance of our Source, Who is Love.

If I do not live in vital connection with my essence, then, I lose touch with what most matters, with God, with communion. I get lost in trivial pursuits. I see as I see, not as God sees. Therefore, each day, I must choose to return to the True Self, to communion with the God-in-Three, and say no to the idol of pragmatism and yes to the river of Love.

How do you remain grounded in the sense of transcendence? What spiritual practices do you engage to help transform you to see the world as God sees, not as you see? Have you ever had a moment of feeling an overwhelming love for all creation? Have you had a sense of communion with a person or other creation lately? If so, what was that like for you?

*First edition, August 10, 2001; Revised and Expanded Edition, August 2, 2006

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SenseofTranscendence > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2025