In a recent prayer gathering, someone spoke of how Jesus, in the Gospels, often left persons somewhere other than where they were when they first met him. One can see this repeatedly in the Gospels of the Christian Scriptures. Two examples - a foreign woman he met at a well and shared conversation with, another a man, a maligned tax collector, whom he called out of a tree to enjoy a meal at the man's home (Gospel of John 4.1ff; Gospel of Luke 19.1ff). Meetings with Jesus were life-altering - of course, many persons were not receptive, and Jesus showed no interest in converting them to being receptive. He knew persons were ripe or not for the Truth.
This "somewhere other" is not outer geography but inner. For example, if he confirmed one was forgiven, that meant a shift to a new internal topography. This shift signified healing. The repositing was from a locale of suffering to non-suffering.
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Upsetness arose from an interaction with someone. I prepared to go off alone, as I do almost daily in the mornings, to read, pray, meditate, and sometimes chant or sing.
Before leaving, I approached a person I have had infrequent contact with. We began sharing. She mentioned something about me that was the opposite of the energy that had prior risen - disquiet. This person made brief reference to a positive quality she saw in me. Her words were a mirror through which I could see something of myself - True Self - that was confirming and calming. Immediately, there was a shift from heaviness to lightness in the body-mind.
Instantly, there was healing. This healing is not necessarily a cure. Sometimes, healing is a temporary shift. Yet, these openings, from suffering to non-suffering, bring us closer to a life beyond the upsetness and unease that can arise simply by being a human among humans.
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Spirit is free of upsetness, unease, and suffering of all forms. Spirit may have compassion and empathy, allowing a sense of the pain or suffering of others, but it does not suffer. It does not suffer, for suffering - by which we mean emotional unrest and disquiet - is not with spirit but arises within the body-mind.
Hence, when emotional healing, if even for a moment, arises and suffering dissolves, spirit shines. This means you shine free of afflictive feelings. This is like a fog dissolving in the Sunshine's brightness.
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So, the acquaintance's words evoked my essence - spirit. One might say the soul was refreshed. At least for a time, the disquiet dissolved in the Love-Light.
Such dissolution does not mean the suffering leaves us. Affliction can be deeply rooted in the body-mind, much of it hidden in the shadow. Still, in the Unity, the affliction transforms to an extent in the embrace of the Light-Self, with each being touched by Innocence.
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Key to me, and what led to writing this sharing, is the woman's role in being a means of healing. Like spoken of yesterday in the writing - she was the medium of the Word. Her words embodied the Voice. She was prophetess, spirit, the listener. The truth of our True Self - spirit - emerges when it sees itself in the words and kindness of another. The emergence is healing.
We, in spirit, are here to welcome spirit to mirror to others the spirit they are. That in us recognizes the same in the other. As shared yesterday, availability is vital. Then, we can be the means of healing - prophets and prophetesses of Truth - mirrors for the other. And we shun any idea that this must only come forth in remarkable ways. Our being-healing can come in apparently insignificant ways, as the woman's few kind words to me.
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We need moments of healing, over and over, for we carry wounds. Some persons seem to activate the unresolved pain. Some people are like balm to it. Let us associate closely with those whose presence mediates healing, beings of kindness, gentleness, and active compassion. Let us not underestimate our capacity to be healers.
We can be a healing presence. Through full attention, we can be-with another in Love. That is healing, and we may not need to say a word. We can be healing presences walking Earth in quietness and mindfulness.
In a group I was leading, a person shared of the recent death of someone close to her. I tried to express condolences, but when I did, it was a step away from what I needed to do. So, I did what was needed - returned to sitting quietly, listening, and helping her voice her grief. Trying to express condolences disrupted the being-with - this feeling arises in the body-mind. Spirit does not prioritize the usual or expected way of expressing compassion. Spirit's wisdom does not fit into a to-do list.
In being a healing presence, healing occurs also within us. When we, like Jesus and the acquaintance I referred to above, "speak forth"- the Voice comes not only in words but acts ... - an inspiration bringing a shift to a space of joy and freedom for another, we evoke that same inspiration for ourselves. Spirit meets spirit in sacred heart-discourse, and a word may or may not have been spoken.
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Last, when I say "healing presence," I mean you. As connoted above, spirit heals. Personality - or person - is only the conduit of healing. Jesus, as a person, did not heal. The acquaintance, as a person, did not bring healing to me. Presence heals, for it is the source of grace-flow. Presence is sacramental. Our role is to allow the relative self - mind-and-body - to yield gladly to Presence, the Light. If we live in the Light, healing will happen spontaneously.
*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse.