Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > HarmonizationinChrist


The Wisdom of the Seasons

Harmonization in Christ

Aug 31, 2006

Saying For Today: God is perfection of harmonization of opposites, a Harmony fine poetry and exquisite music mirror to us.

Great Thinkers in the History of the Church (no. 18)

When someone ceases to worry about his own sins and, as the Fathers say, "is not concerned about his death," it is absolutely impossible for him to be corrected. Such a person does nothing but stick his nose into his neighbor's affairs. And nothing annoys God so much or makes people so miserable as speaking evil of one's neighbor and judging him.

--St. Dorotheus of Gaza (6th Century), Teachings


The early Church Father, St. Athanasius (b. 295), in Against the Pagans, writes:

There is harmony ... among the seasons: spring follows winter, summer follows spring and autumn follows summer. The four seasons have contrasting characteristics. One brings cold, the next brings heat, one signals the beginning of life, another its end. Yet they all render equal service to the human race. They are equally useful.

It is impossible not to realize that there must be a being superior to earthly objects, which is invisible but gives unity to their multiplicity, and orders their existence.

... there has always been the Lord to unite so many different elements and to make of them a complete harmony.

Diversity inheres in the Creator, as well as the unity in diversity. God is perfection of harmonization of opposites, a Harmony fine poetry and exquisite music mirror to us. Such harmonization of opposites expresses the unifying Logos, the Word, Christ.

Indeed, Spirit being the perfection of all Virtue, is Harmonization. Therefore, as I draw near to God, I draw near to the feeling and appreciation for harmony. Yes, as I draw near to Christ, I become a living agent of peace in the world.

This peace does not arise from focusing either on the sameness or difference among us. Peace begins through seeing where there is already harmonization within our differences.

In Christ, then, I am not turned away from my fellow humans who are much different than I. Rather, in Christ, I am drawn to them, for I can, in Christ, feel and appreciate Christ already among them, among us all, working in history to unify us all. To the extent that I am close to Christ, I am close to them; to the extent that I am not close to them, I am not close to Christ.

However, being among others in phyiscial proximity does not guarantee that I am truly close to them. I speak, rather, of spiritual proximity. Possibly, only those persons who are committed to regular practice of Solitude and Silence can come close to appreciating, truly, what I mean here. Therefore, the world and Church needs desperately the contemplative, even as the contemplative needs the rest of the Church and its manifold gifts and operations.


1. Read the following story. Then, answer the following question: What is the link between solitude and silence and intimacy with others?

Once a man was praying that God would help him feel close to other persons, for he felt cut off from them, even when with them. After he prayed about this for several days, he heard Christ speak: "My friend, if you would be silent in the presence of others, you would give them more room to be close to you."

2. How do you see the unifying Presence of Christ working in the world around you? In your life journey?

3. Look again at the opening quote from St. Dorotheus of Gaza. Examine yourself regarding judging others. Vow to seek to speak well of all persons, even those critical of you. St. Dorotheus stressed humility: pray for the humbleness to speak well of your apparent foes.

Spiritual Exercise

Pray about and practice speaking less among other persons and opening your self to experience their presence and let them experience your presence. If you feel that you must speak for some unfounded reason, bring your attention back to the silence. Later, consider this question: Why do I feel I must speak, when there is nothing and no one saying that my speaking is any more profitable than silence in particular situations?


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > HarmonizationinChrist

©Brian Wilcox 2025