Faith Community is a discerning Body. Individually and together we interpret matters like Scripture, God’s will in situations, how Spirit might be speaking to us through a class lesson or sermon, how the Holy Spirit might be directing us through an envisioning process, …
Dallas Willard provides an important insight into the fallibility of human discernment, or interpretation. “The infallibility of the messenger and the message does not guarantee the infallibility of our reception” (Hearing God).
I came up in a tradition whose motto could be expressed as, “Just believe the Bible.” But if we all “just believe the Bible,” will that bring agreement? Willard tells of a distinguished minister who said, on television, that if we would accept the Bible as the Word of God, all differences among Christians would be resolved. Willard wisely observes, however: “But in fact it is Bible-believing Christians who disagree with each other most often and most heatedly.” Willard comments, “Nearly every faction in Christendom claims the Bible as its basis but then goes on to disagree as to what the Bible says.” Recall, Willard is an evangelical Christian, not someone who lacks confidence in the role of Scripture in the life of the Church.
John Wesley taught the importance of the “plain meaning of Scripture.” But what is that “plain meaning”? If the meaning were “plain,” then, Methodism would not have the divisions on biblical interpretation in its history and present disagreements. So is the meaning plain? What meaning? Who’s interpretation of that meaning?
Essential to interpretation of Scripture and of revelation, generally, is humility. Willard wrote a sagacious comment regarding the fallibility of reception of revelation: “Humility is always in order.”
Spiritual Exercise
1. What does Willard mean in saying, regarding interpretation: “Humility is always in order”? 2. Have you changed your interpretation of Scripture over time? How? God’s will over time? How? 3. What is the difference between trusting God and trusting the Bible, if any? Explain.
Spirit of Christ, lead me into all Truth. Give me the humbleness to admit when I am uncertain and thankfulness that the integrity I express in not-knowing is a means to trust you above my reception of revelation. Amen.
Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
The People of the United Methodist Church