The esteemed English poet, Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879), has often been spoken of as "the Sweetest Voice of Hymnody." She is, generally, termed "the consecration poet," for her hymns so reflect a simple, child-like faith in God.
Havergal was of frail health her whole life, and one day she caught a severe cold that caused inflammation of the lungs. Told that she might die, she exclaimed, "If I am really going, it is too good to be true!" She responded later, "Splendid! To be so near the gates of heaven." At the end she sang clearly, though weakly, her hymn "I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus." Her sister reported, later:
She looked up steadfastly, as if she saw the Lord, and surely nothing less heavenly could have reflected such a glorious radiance upon her face. For ten minutes we watched that almost visible meeting with her King, and her countenance was so glad, as if she were already taking to Him! Then she tried to sing; but after one sweet, high note her voice failed, and as her brother commended her soul into the Redeemer's hand, she passed away.
Havergal was only age forty-two, when she passed over to her Redeemer, June 3, 1879, in Wales. On her tombstone is carved her favorite scripture, 1 John 1.7: "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin" [AV].
Hear, with your heart, the beautiful prayer hymn, sung by Havergal on her deathbed: 1. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee; Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. 2. I am trusting Thee for pardon; At Thy feet I bow, For Thy grace and tender mercy Trusting now. 3. I am trusting Thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting Thee to make me holy By Thy blood. 4. I am trusting Thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead, Ev'ry day and hour supplying All my need. 5. I am trusting Thee for power; Thine can never fail. Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me Must prevail. 6. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; Never let me fall. I am trusting Thee forever And for all.
Scripture For Meditation
17Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. (I Timothy 6, NLT)
Is there something that you are struggling to trust God concerning? Today, commit that to Christ. Tell Christ that you trust that the best will be done. Pray for patience to wait for the answer; pray for courage and wisdom to act when it is time for you to act.
*OneLife writings are offered by Brian K. Wilcox, a United Methodist pastor serving in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. He writes in the spirit of John Wesley's focus on the priority of inner experience of the Triune God; scriptural holiness; ongoing sanctification; the goal of Christian perfection (or, wholeness). Brian lives a vowed contemplative life with his two dogs, Bandit Ty and St. Francis, in North Florida. OneLife writings are for anyone seeking to live and share love, joy, and peace in the world and in devotion to God as she or he best understands God.
The Peace of Christ to All!