Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WorkDisengagementHeart


Work Passing Through Us

On Disengagement of the Heart

Oct 6, 2005

Saying For Today: Being like an apple tree, you can rejoice in the process of giving through work.

St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) wrote of “disengagement of the heart” (Counsels and Reminiscences). She counseled the Sisters to practice detachment in work.

In this detachment we practice the monastic virtue of poverty. We are working without owning the work. The work is passing through us. Even as a faucet does not claim the water passing through it, we do not claim the work passing through us, nor do we seek to own or control the results.

Disengagement of the heart allows me to observe these words I now write for you. I did not create creativity, nor did I gift myself with creativity. This writing is not my writing. The sources of its arriving, the process of its formation, and the fruit of it in the lives of readers, now and possibly for many years, I do not own, nor do I control these matters.

Approach all you do like the apple tree. Life passes through the apple tree, offering the world apples. The tree is the means. The tree does not control the use of the apple, nor who enjoys the apple. Neither does the tree claim the sources of nutrients from earth and sky. Being like an apple tree, you can rejoice in the process of giving through work.

Spiritual Exercise

Would you feel better, less stressed, and happier through practicing loving detachment in work? Try doing one task today, mindfully, sensing yourself observing in disengagement of the heart, without any ownership of the process or result of the work. What does that feel like?

Will you rejoice in the creative process of your daily tasks, today, glad to know that being faithful to the task is all that God expects from you? Will you accept that you are created to work and enjoy your working?

Will you rejoice that your work will ripple outward to touch lives in ways you will never know in this life? Can you let go of needing to know the consequences of your work?

If you do not have a job at present and are looking for one, pray for meaningful work?

Creative Spirit, create through me, giving the joy of committing both my labor and its fruit to you. Amen.

Brian's book of mystical love poetry,
An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > WorkDisengagementHeart

©Brian Wilcox 2025