Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Meaningful Coincidence


Synchronicity and the Will of God

On Meaningful Coincidence

Oct 8, 2008

Saying For Today: The Spirit of Christ is God's personal, all-powerful presence in the universe and each one of us, Who intends only our good. ... God wills much more for us than we recieve. Our prayers are not too bold, they are too timid.


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Today, I deal with, in traditional religious language, prayer and Divine providence from a different perspective than usual: synchronicity. I include Scripture and quotes from Christian writers to assist in making the connections. You can easily convert the idea of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, into religious or spiritual language.

Basically, I address the power of prayer and our cooperation with God through prayer. There is a logic, a principle of common-sense, which is often not addressed when we speak of prayer. If we can grasp this logic, we will be encouraged to be more committed to prayer. And the lack of prayer is, likely, the most telling symptom of a lack of vibrant spirituality in much of the Church.

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No matter what our bodies do to facilitate communication with the Divine, the intent is the same: to dispose ourselves to be in a conscious relationship with God. We communicate with God because we believe it is good for us, but also good for God.

*Edward L. Beck. Soul Provider.

We need to pray better, because that is the only way we can live better. It is sometimes said that prayer is the breath of the spiritual life. That's partially true. It would be more true to say that it is the breath, food, rest, shelter, and means of begetting in the spiritual life. Prayer, then, is the very life of the soul.

*Scott Hahn. Understanding "Our Father".

When I pray, coincidences happen.

*William Temple (1628-1669), Archbishop of Canterbury

There exists a divine, flowing power in your life that can open you up to your greatest fulfillment. When synchronicity happens, it is a sign that you are acting in harmony with this universal energy, and you can learn how to become more attuned and use it to manifest and enhance your experiences and relationships.

*Linda Anderson. holisticfuture.com .

Note: This "flowing power" is the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Presence of Love.

While you're waiting for the manifestation you desire and God has promised, let your days and nights be filled with a positive attitude, praise, worship, and thanksgiving.

*Joyce Meyer. The Battle Belongs to the Lord.

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What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a meaningful pattern of events that comes together to manifest God's Will. Key to this is "meaningful" and "God's Will."

Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence supporting growth in Christlikeness and loving service to others. Too much teaching on prayer reveals an individualistic self-centering shaped by modern cultures. Instructions on prayer can easily become initiation into religious magic, a means to try to manipulate God, and the same is true on other teachings on manifestation.

Prayer is first and foremost a humbling of oneself before the Will of God. Prayer is not principally a means to get what I want. Prayer is primarily surrender, not acquisition.

Therefore, we need to keep before us Jesus' life as found in the Gospels. He shows us the way to Life, and this way is to manifest in our prayer. Our prayer-pattern is Jesus' model of spirituality.

Otherwise, prayer can become an attempt to make our lives easier or more prosperous, rather than more faithful and loving. Our prayer can degenerate into "My will" or "Our will," rather than "Your will." And, certainly, God may will your life to become easier or more prosperous, but such will be to serve higher ends than simply easier or more prosperous.

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Sunday morning I got to our sanctuary early to prepare myself for our Worship. A few days before I had felt the church was falling apart around me, and I, as spiritual leader, felt that I could do little about it.

I was told that several persons were leaving. I was informed some were displeased with me. I had gotten resignations from several persons, apparently quitting from loss of faith in the larger denomination. And I serve a very small church, so even a loss of a few can seem like "too much."

I was concerned that almost no one would be in Worship - based on the "bad-weather" forecasts of a few persons. I was tired; having been up until 5AM -, after losing my message on computer and having to redo it all.

Then, standing behind the lectern before Worship, I opened the hymnal. I noted a card placed inside the back cover. Here is what the note inside says:

For My Secret Pal -
God bless you Wait
and see what the Lord
will and can do.
Your Secret
Peace & Love.

In the Service, the woman who was to give her public testimony to the congregation, a first in this new aspect in our morning Worship, stood up and said what she had planned to say was not what she would say. She had been awakened at midnight, and the Spirit led her to give a witness on the power of prayer. I smiled widely. The week prior I preached on that same subject.

I affirmed the testimony, and so did the people. And, later, I shared with the congregation the card - how and where I found it, that I did not know if it was put there for me, that it was intended to be found by me that morning.

We had a wonderful Service. Persons were positive; they were affirming of the sermon and my encouragements throughout the Service. I knew the Spirit was set to bless the church in the weeks and months to come.

No, the church is not falling around anyone. Faith is a more powerful force than negativity when persons join in one Mind and one Spirit. Jesus speaks of the power of two or three to unleash the Divine Flow:

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

*Matthew 18.19-20, ESV

See, the Spirit of Christ is not bound by the dimensions that limit us. To say Christ ascended is to say Christ returned into boundlessness. Prayer is there, for we are spiritually with Christ there. Christ can manifest anything, anywhere, for Christ is everywhere. Prayer needs to be oriented from where Christ is, not where we are.

Now, let us take this one example above. "Meaningful" coincidence occurred with the finding of the note inside the hymnal. Also, the woman waking at midnight to be led to the other topic on the power of prayer, well, how can anyone say that was not by divine design?

Of course, if I was not open to see the Hand of God in these kind of events, I might have missed it altogether. Part of divine coincidences and seeing them is being prepared to see them. If we miss them, we miss taking advantage of one key way God works in our lives.

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Linda Anderson tells of a synchronous event in her life, which can help further clarify this divine action:

My most significant coincidence occurred many years ago when I picked out a dog named Zoey from the local humane society, after feeling strangely driven to search many weeks for the right dog for our family. Being one to put a great deal of time and consideration into every choice I make, I put a hold on Zoey so I could think over my decision to bring her home, even though I instantly fell in love her.

When I arrived home and walked through my front door I noticed the phone ringing. It was the owner of a company to which I had recently submitted a resume; she was requesting an interview with me. The woman told me during our telephone conversation that the name of her company was "Zoe." Right then I knew I had the job and that the dog I picked out was the one for us. The job turned out to be extremely satisfying for me for 12 years, and the dog continued to be a beloved family pet for 11 years.

*Linda Anderson. holisticfuture.com

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There are ways to cooperate with God in the manifestation of divine, meaningful coincidence. Here are some ways.

1) Open and align.

Open your whole self to the Divine Flow in prayer, meditation, and contemplation. Devotional practice is a way to unite with the Spirit. The Spirit is the Flow, the moving, alive, and creative Mind of God, manifesting meaningful coincidence.

2) Creatively visualize.

Visualizing is a form of prayer, where we "see" manifesting the Divine Will for us. "Seeing" is a means of opening.

3) Consciously intend.

Speak inwardly or outwardly, or sing, to the Divine Love what you discern is God's Will. Be specific. You can state this in a positive manner.

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When do we know we are flowing with the Flow, or walking in the Spirit? Linda Anderson gives an answer.

You know you are in the flow when struggle disappears, events fall into place naturally and easily, and you appear to be in the right place at [the] right time. Doors to fortuitous opportunities seem to open without effort. People come into your life that offer exactly what you need.

What is the effect on you, when you are in the Flow? Anderson comments:

Heightened awareness and acceptance of the flow allows you to be more relaxed, patient, and free from anxiety while you're waiting for your goals to come to pass, because you then understand there is a perfect timing to things.

I am not teaching magic. This is not manipulation of God; this is cooperation with God. The Spirit of Christ is God's personal, all-powerful presence in the universe and each one of us, Who intends only our good. We cooperate with God or not. Synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, is only one way of speaking of God manifesting the Divine Will, but it is a helpful way to make some sense of what often leaves us more baffled than before.

Now, yes, non-specific surrender in prayer is powerful, also. To practice prayer wherein we simply pray "Your will be done" is a powerful prayer, if we really mean it and it is inspired as a cooperative act with God, not a mere passive resignation alone. I often pray this prayer, and I know when I do I am resigning myself lovingly to God, Who knows all the potentials for my life.

We, also, need to pray with the underlying intent only to want God's Will done. Jesus gave us this in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done." And faith supports this, for faith is more than trusting God to do something; faith entails trusting that when you are aligned with God's intent, then, you can pray confidently that the Will is going to come to pass.

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Note the following Scriptures that pertain to meaningful coincidence and God working in our lives, in Christ.

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

*John 14.12-14, ESV

See how the Scripture links answer to prayer and our doing the works Christ does. God being God can never give us something not supporting our working with Christ, fulfilling the action of Christ in the world.

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

*John 15.7, ESV

Note how manifestion through prayer is joined with intimacy with Christ and Christ's teachings being intimate with you.

God wills much more for us than we recieve. Our prayers are not too bold, they are too timid. We limit God, for God is in a relationship with us, and that means cooperation. We need to be more bold to join with Christ to fulfill the Will of Christ.

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Have you experienced God working in your life through meaningful coincidence? If so, share one such experience.

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*For submission of prayer requests, write to Brian at barukhattah@embarqmail.com .

*Charitable contributions would be appreciated to assist Brian in the continuance of his work of ministry. For contributions, contact Brian at barukhattah@embarqmail.com .

*Brian's book of spiritual love poetry, An Ache for Union: Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major booksellers, or through the Cokesbury on-line store, at www.cokesbury.com .

*Brian K. Wilcox lives in Punta Gorda, FL, and Clearwater, FL, with his wife, step-son, and two beloved dogs. Brian has an independent writing, workshop, and retreat ministry focused on Christians living as spiritual disciples of Jesus Christ in everyday life. He serves the Christ Community United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda, FL. Brian is vowed at Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in South Georgia. He lives a vowed, contemplative life and inspires others to experience a more intimate relationship with God-in-Christ. Brian advocates for a spiritually-focused, experiential Christianity and renewal of the focus of the Church on addressing the deeper spiritual needs and longings of persons.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Meaningful Coincidence

©Brian Wilcox 2025