Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SpiritualUnityWithinWithout


Unity From In Christ

Spiritual Unity Within to Without

Oct 11, 2007

Saying For Today: The Christian is a man or woman growing into an increasing unity, or organization, of all his or her inner energies, with the center being the mystical presence of Christ.

Wisdom Saying

Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshipers [meeting] together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be, were they to become 'unity' conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship.

*A. W. Tozier. The Pursuit of God.

Wisdom Story

In a Peanuts cartoon Lucy demands that Linus change TV channels. She threatens him with her fist. Linus asks, "What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?" "These five fingers," replies Lucy. "Individually they're nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold." "Which channel,” says Linus, “do you want?" He turns away. He looks at his fingers and inquires, "Why can't you guys get organized like that?"

*Charles Shultz


Paul identifies himself as a slave of Jesus Christ. For example, he identifies Timothy and himself as slaves of Christ Jesus in Philippians 1.1. He extends this to each Christian, as in Ephesians 6.6, writing that a Christian is to do the will of God from the heart and as a slave of Christ.

True, spiritual Christian unity, the organization of fellowship in the mystical Body of Christ, occurs from inward to outward. The Christian is a man or woman growing into an increasing unity, or organization, of all his or her inner energies, with the center being the mystical presence of Christ.

The unity of persons in Christ, as this unity evidences itself in outward organization of communal life, can only occur in the Christian and truly spiritual sense from inward gathering of all energy within, around, and into Christ. Otherwise, persons can join themselves in an outer form of organization that easily, with the right words and surroundings, can appear, but appear only, to be true, spiritual unity. This façade of unity is merely the organizing of outer life, and while it might prove functional, it will not prove spiritual or facilitate well the spiritual life of its members.

Therefore, in Christ, unity within the person and unity within the communion supplement and encourage each other. The unity of persons living in Christ, the bond slaves of Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit advances the growth of unity in the entire communion. Likewise, the unity of the full communion and, yes, the organization of its outer life guides and encourages the maturation of inner unity in Christ within each person.

However, the inner unity of energies into Christ within the inner cell of each person must take priority in this process. The communal unity cannot be sustained with priority outside the person living in Christ. A general principle of organic life is that life evolves from within outward. Life is ecstatic, or moving outward. The outer is evidence of the inner, first. No relationship or communion can sustain true fellowship, even if they do share religious action and a common physical setting, and agree on many things, including their doctrine and organizational goals, unless the fellowship is sustained by the fellowship of each person growing up into Christ within and, consequently, passing his or her life through the Life of God into the world outside.

This is, sadly, one of the great failures of the church. Too often we have managed the organization and tried to be communities of service to the world, but without much more than a passing glance at the vitality of the inner life of persons who are to be the apprentices and emissaries of the Word. When we do this, we may be well-oiled and functional organizations, but we are not spiritual unities.

And, thus, the greater challenge is not our living as one with others, but surrendering our being daily to the Word from whom all true unity arises. If I do not discover my true identity in Christ, I will project a false identity outward or I will seek to serve other persons as means to finding myself. That self will become a slave of the seeking of self, not an offering of who I am truly in Christ.

And this Word, Christ, is the Unity that makes possible the sustenance and celebration of oneness in many that is the nature of all creativity, and my own creativity as one with the offerings of all others. In finding myself in the creative Word, I find myself creative in that same Word, and that True Self I can offer through and for Christ, for the edification of others. And, then, I can be and do that offering through the unique configuration of the gifts and graces of my True Self in Christ, a Self one with all others, but one in a way that no one else can be one with all others. This infinite potential of oneness in Unity reflects the infinite being of God as potentially expressing an infinite expression of Love from the Eternal Being we call “Our Father.”

Likewise, then, each Christian, to be an offering of unity to the over-all Body of Christ, must live in the Body of Christ through his or her being and action in Christ. If I am a slave of Christ, I am not a slave of the Church, indeed, not a slave of anyone. My unity in allegiance to Christ is offered to the other, as my energies of selfhood are being passed through devotion and obedience to Christ. In doing this, more and more I am offering person sanctified by immersion in the waters of the Word of Life and resurrected into the Life of God. In doing this, I am offering them Christ, often in a highly present but unselfconscious way, for the Holy Spirit is offering Christ through me and progressively apart from my sense of controlling that offering by my estimation of myself or what gifts I have to offer.

Yes, Christ, then, is the one Instrument of Grace that tunes my heart to God. The flow of Christ through me, then, is the energy of Animating Grace. This, likewise, occurs with each member of the unified Body of Christ. The members are not being tuned by the priority of expectations or goals of the members; rather, the life of the whole Body is tuned to the Mind of Christ.

This does not mean the communion will live in complete agreement of mind. However, when tuned to Christ, disagreement will take on a different shape than when a group has no living contact with its Center. Disagreement will lead back into discerning the Mind of Christ, rather than fracture of the Body in conflict.

You may say, “But what is to be done when a small minority are seeking Christ first, while the majority are acting and making decisions for the communion without any evidence of or reference to the priority of Christ in discerning the organization and direction of the Body?” Remain faithful, first, to your personal responsibility to be a slave of Christ. Live in intimacy with God. Be a means of the Grace of Christ. Do not try to change the community or anyone. Live Christ in as an unselfconscious way as Christ has matured you to live. You will never be at peace trying to make other persons prioritize the life of Christ.

And never sacrifice your loyalty to Christ to the demands of any religious or spiritual group ~ any collective ~ that calls for you to give your life in a way that would contradict your devotion to the Spirit of Christ. A truly, spiritual person or group would never expect or want you to place anything before your devotion and allegiance to Christ Jesus. Rather, it will seek in all ways to possible to encourage and facilitate your inner unity in Christ, which will, in turn, edify the whole communion. Then, as we each live from our unity in Christ, both as persons and communion, what Paul writes of in Ephesians 4.15-16 can be true for the whole communion as a consistent way of life. For our living each and all together from our unity in Christ, we each and all are led back together into Christ in a deeper unity.

15Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. (ESV)

Suggested Reflection

What does it mean to live from your position in Christ?

How is your life in Christ encouraging others to live a life in Christ?

What does it mean that your union in Christ is to take priority over seeking union with others?

What qualities would be evident in a group that is experiencing true, spiritual union, as opposed to one that is organizing its life apart from the life in Christ of each member?

What are some spiritual means to help persons connect with Christ and grow daily in union with Christ?

What are some spiritual means to help a group begin living as a people grounded in devotion to Christ and, thus, organizing its life from that priority of relationship?

Do you believe your church is doing an adequate ministry of connecting each person in a life of maturing in devotion and service to Jesus Christ? Explain.

Is it possible that a Christian can be called to serve within a church to encourage a few who are seeking the priority of Christ, while the vast majority will remain untouched by his or her example? Explain.

Is it possible for a church to be organized well, have efficient programs, be involved in outreach, and growing in numbers and, still, lack living connection with Christ? Explain.

What does it mean to grow in unselfconscious witness to the Presence of Christ in your life?

Brian is available to respond to requests pertaining to seeking a Spiritual Director, his speaking, doing classes, workshops, or retreats for churches or other spiritual groups.

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*Brian K. Wilcox lives with his wife, Rocio, and their two dogs, St. Francis and Bandit Ty, in Clearwater and Punta Gorda, Florida. He is a United Methodist pastor and vowed member of Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in Georgia. His passion is living a contemplative life and inspiring others to experience a deeper relationship with Christ through contemplative prayer and living.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SpiritualUnityWithinWithout

©Brian Wilcox 2025