Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > YourWillBeDoneNo6A


The Lord's Prayer (no. 5B)

Your Will Be Done ...

Nov 3, 2008

Saying For Today: Prayerfully listen for the person the Spirit is using most to share with you the Mind of Christ.

I am still learning about how to listen for the Divine Will. I confess I am often confused about it. I am certain many of you share the same experience.

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Seeking to follow the Divine Will is humbling, for such requires humbleness and leads to humbleness. This humbleness is not something we arrive at; rather, we become increasingly humble, at levels of self-surrender we had not known before. Indeed, at any point in which our willfulness asserts itself in demanding my rights regardless, then, I am losing touch with the humbleness that is a chief prerequisite to discern God's Will for my life.

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10Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

*Matthew 6.10, ESV

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We live among many voices. Many of these have no interest in our well-being, only their profit or advantage. Some of these voices are among our friends, our family, our church, ... Many of these voices want our well-being, not their advantage or profit. They, too, are among groups mentioned above. Within the same group, we can hear the din of conflicting voices.

Likewise, we have these same voices within us. They image parts of our self. Often we do not know the merit of these voices, as we do not the outward voices.

For example, we cannot simply assume someone who loves us, even dearly, is giving us wise guidance. Also, we cannot assume a person who does not will our good is offering us unwise advice.

Once, as a Pastor, I walked into the office of a person whom I had felt very close to and affirmed by. He told me I needed to look for a nonpastoral job. I am still a Pastor. He cared for me. Was he right? Or not?

Now, to an example of an inner voice. A friend of mine founded a church. He received an invitation to serve a larger one. He prayed about the invitation and decided God was leading him to accept it. He left the church he served. He told me, after years at this new appointment, that when he was driving toward the new church, the Holy Spirit affirmed within him he was making a mistake. He lived to regret the mistake.

What "voices" did this pastor listen to? What advice did he get during his discernment about the potential opportunity? How did a spiritual leader so intent on following the Divine Will come to conclude he misheard entirely?

Then, everyday experience shows us persons sincerely intent on doing the Divine Will arrive at completely opposite conclusions on that. This can be about small matters or matters as huge as whether a war is just or unjust.

I am still learning about how to listen for the Divine Will. I confess I am often confused about it. I am certain many of you share the same experience.

So, where do we begin in listening? We begin with willingness to listen, a sincere desire to seek the Divine Voice among all other voices. This means we must be willing to test all voices, even those of persons we love dearly and who want only our good.

I am going through a major time of discernment. I am learning to seek to discern the human voice that reflects most to me the Will of Christ. Spirit may appoint one person to be that voice for us in a time of spiritual discernment. I was advised by one such person during a difficult spiritual discernment. I came to see, through prayer, he, among other voices, was sharing with me most what the Spirit was saying.

So, in seeking the Will of God, you are wise to be open to the wisdom of other persons. Prayerfully "listen" for the person the Spirit is using most to share with you the Mind of Christ.

Here are a few pointers on listening to others, when you are seeking the Divine Will...

1. Remember, others can only be a means of the Spirit speaking to you; always surrender to the Divine Spirit, while respecting the sincere efforts of others to offer guidance.

2. Beware of any advice not informing you to spend much time in prayer and seeking to surrender to God in the situation.

3. Be alert for voices that are over-protective of you; this concern too easily slants the advice.

4. Be attentive to persons challenging you, affirming that you might need to overcome resistance to listen to God or something else might be blocking your hearing the Spirit leading.

5. Lean toward voices of persons whom you know are persons of daily devotion and ground themselves in a life of prayer.

If you discern God is especially using a person to offer you spiritual guidance in your discernment, consider telling the person. You may want to covenant on a set schedule to pray with the person and continue the discernment process.

Likewise, being in a discernment group or accountability group can prove helpful in an ongoing commitment to seek the Divine Will.

And do not go it alone. A sign of spiritual arrogance is when you demand that you, by yourself, have clearly discerned what God is saying. This attitude often reflects a person not open to the Voice of God, but his or her voice, only.

Yes, the Spirit can lead us directly. However, most often we discern the Divine Will in community ~ whether of one or more persons. If you take your spiritual journey seriously, you must have help and accountability from others. You need at least one person to be your spiritual companion, one who will hold you accountable and pray with and for you.

Also, we will never consistently receive Divine Guidance unless we practice surrender to Divine Providence. Seeking the Divine Leading is humbling to any voice within us that demands its own way, and often wants to shape the Divine Voice to its will.

Yes, often the Divine Leading is difficult for us. Not that It is seeking our harm or undue trouble, but for it conflicts with the inner voices seeking apparent comfort, not loving sacrifice and fidelity to others and God.

Last, we can legitimately inquire: "What if I get totally out of the Divine Will, intentionally or through mistake?" Ronald Rolheiser writes, in Forgotten Among the Lilies:

We need a theology which tells us that a second, third, fourth and fifth chance are just as valid as the first one.

I will address the matter of second and beyond chances in our next writing in this series. However, for now, be assured that any going of the wrong direction can be redeemed and fit into the Divine Will from that point on.

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Who most shares with you the Mind of Christ, when you are seeking the Divine Will?

Do you have a spiritual companion who holds you accountable and offers prayerful guidance to you?

Do you tend to agree more with the voices that judge others in defending you or call you to accountability and change?

What is Divine Providence to you?

Have you had an experience of getting out of God's Will, only for God to use that for good in the further unfolding of your life and spiritual purpose?

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*Charitable contributions would be appreciated to assist Brian in the continuance of his work of ministry. For contributions, contact Brian at barukhattah@embarqmail.com .

*Brian's book of spiritual love poetry, An Ache for Union: Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major booksellers, or through the Cokesbury on-line store, at www.cokesbury.com .

*Brian K. Wilcox lives in Punta Gorda, FL, and Clearwater, FL, with his wife, step-son, and two beloved dogs. Brian has an independent writing, workshop, and retreat ministry focused on Christians living as spiritual disciples of Jesus Christ in everyday life. He serves the Christ Community United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda, FL. Brian is vowed at Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in South Georgia. He lives a vowed, contemplative life and inspires others to experience a more intimate relationship with God-in-Christ. Brian advocates for a spiritually-focused, experiential Christianity and renewal of the focus of the Church on addressing the deeper spiritual needs and longings of persons.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > YourWillBeDoneNo6A

©Brian Wilcox 2025