A pastor preached one Christmas on St. John 1.14. He read, “And the word becomes flesh and lives among us; and we see its glory, the glory of the Unique One coming out of the Father, being full of grace and truth.” After the service, some members of the Staff Board complained to the pastor that he had misread the Bible, “Pastor, you changed the past tenses to present tenses. You have no right to do that!” “And,” replied the pastor, “you folk, likewise, have no right to keep acting like Christmas is in the past tense.”
There is no tense to Truth. All happens in Isness. The New Testament word for this nonsequentialed Moment is Kairos.
Christmas is process, the process of Word Wording, or Creative Potency potentializing. We need to lift the past tense of Sacred Story into the present tense of the story of our lives. The Story did not just happen; the Story is happening, for the Word is Creative Presence, intertwined within Creation, inseparable from all that exists. Indeed, the Word, ultimately, does not exits; the Word is Existence, and all coming forth from the Word exists through the Existence.
Marianne Williamson writes, “We are here as physical representations of a divine principle” (A Return to Love). Jesus was birthed as a physical representation of the Word, due to being formed from that Word. He experienced complete union with the Word, so much that Jesus is the Word.
We, too, are physical representations of the Word and remain so, due to being formed by that Word. We, too, are called to experience complete union with the Word. We are varied expressions of Creative Presence. We are to actualize the potency and presence of the Word through love.
We accept our purpose is to transform, if only a little, that small patch of the Cosmos we live in. In any and every situation that we bring love forth, whether by act, thought, or silent embodiment, the Word is given flesh among us, again.
Questions 1. How do you open to and share the Word, as Living Presence, in the contexts of your life? 2. What does it mean for you to be a spiritual virgin, able to receive the conception of God in the heart, experience Its formation within, and give birth to God in your time and place?
Today’s Affirmation I bring love into every situation.
OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at briankwilcox@comcast.net.
Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.