Path of Spirit
November 2007
Nov 30, 2007 |
Words from the Center
Contemplation and Authentic Worship
Saying For Today: "The triteness of much religious speech and lack of passion behind much worship shows we lack awe-filled prostration of heart in reverence before the mystery of Holy Otherness."
Nov 29, 2007 |
Laying Down Pathways
Spiritual Practice and Divine Energies
Saying For Today: "By connecting to the Source, or the divine energies, the benefits of grace are present to us; there is no reason, then, to live less than a life full of vitality and meaning."
Nov 28, 2007 |
A Shared Yearning
On Spiritual Aspiration
Saying For Today: "Let the yearning be prayer: the Prayer of the Heart. ... The ache is a call for the consecration and divinization of all we are, from matter to spirit, into conscious oneness with the Christ. "
Nov 27, 2007 |
The Mystery of Calling
On General and Specific Vocation
Saying For Today: "This means that a vocation can take on a wide range of personality traits and gifts, and a particular group can exclude viable and helpful traits and gifts, based on unconscious or conscious prejudice."
Nov 26, 2007 |
Being and Becoming Holy Communion
A Place in the Whole
Saying For Today: "Thereby, humbleness serves Love, for Love connects the parts to make holy communion."
Nov 23, 2007 |
Builders of a Temple
Two Approaches to Life
Saying For Today: "We, expressing the creativity of God, are constructing this temple by our daily tasks, our relationships, our worship, our thoughts, our words, and our attitudes."
Nov 22, 2007 |
Undergoing the Presence of God
Awakening to the Sacred
Saying For Today: "Enlightenment is awakening to the Sacred in our midst and within us, and in Whom we are one Body of God."
Nov 21, 2007 |
Beyond Good and Evil
Rest Within
Saying For Today: "We claim you, then, in renouncing all other claims. And the emptiness that threatened us becomes for us the way to the fullness of life in you."
Nov 20, 2007 |
Discernment and Life Context
Places God Uses Us
Saying For Today: "God gifted us with freedom and capability to make changes in our life situation, and at times we simply outgrow the place or work God once used us in. "
Nov 17, 2007 |
The Emulation of Grace
Initiation and Response in Contemplation
Saying For Today: "This Love is always present; this Love awaits my becoming present."
Nov 16, 2007 |
What Is A Saint?
The Light of the World
Saying For Today: "Hence, we are to pass through the True Self ~ our essence in God and apart from phenomenal attributes ~ on our way to union with our Source and being a means of sharing the grace of contemplation with others. "
Nov 14, 2007 |
The Silence of Life
One with the Fontal Center
Saying For Today: "This eucharist is found within the quietude from which my sense of I, consecrated in Christ, arises and returns in and by you.
Nov 13, 2007 |
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
The Shaping of Time
Saying For Today: "I, indeed, find that I can endure almost any present if I have faith that in and by it you are leading me to a fullness of living and being new to me and good for me, as well as good for those who love me and look to me for love."
Nov 12, 2007 |
A Kind Presence
Being a Conduit of God's Graciousness
Saying For Today: "I realize, then, that my only purpose in life is to be a means, among a myriad other varying like and dislike means, to express your graciousness in the world."
Nov 8, 2007 |
Mindful Living
Nurturing the Life-Giving Connection
Saying For Today: "We can offer a presence of deep living that nurtures life-giving connection with the natural world, others, ourselves, and the Sacred."
Nov 7, 2007 |
Full Life Flowing
God in the Ordinary
Saying For Today: "We move beyond a performance ethic; the full life flowing through us becomes what truly and most deeply touches others with blessing."
Nov 2, 2007 |
Living Among Sympathetic Fibers
On Humble Service
Nov 1, 2007 |
Jesus the Heretic
On Being Faithfully Guilty
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