Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

November 2007

Nov 30, 2007

Words from the Center
Contemplation and Authentic Worship
Saying For Today: "The triteness of much religious speech and lack of passion behind much worship shows we lack awe-filled prostration of heart in reverence before the mystery of Holy Otherness."

Nov 29, 2007

Laying Down Pathways
Spiritual Practice and Divine Energies
Saying For Today: "By connecting to the Source, or the divine energies, the benefits of grace are present to us; there is no reason, then, to live less than a life full of vitality and meaning."

Nov 28, 2007

A Shared Yearning
On Spiritual Aspiration
Saying For Today: "Let the yearning be prayer: the Prayer of the Heart. ... The ache is a call for the consecration and divinization of all we are, from matter to spirit, into conscious oneness with the Christ. "

Nov 27, 2007

The Mystery of Calling
On General and Specific Vocation
Saying For Today: "This means that a vocation can take on a wide range of personality traits and gifts, and a particular group can exclude viable and helpful traits and gifts, based on unconscious or conscious prejudice."

Nov 26, 2007

Being and Becoming Holy Communion
A Place in the Whole
Saying For Today: "Thereby, humbleness serves Love, for Love connects the parts to make holy communion."

Nov 23, 2007

Builders of a Temple
Two Approaches to Life
Saying For Today: "We, expressing the creativity of God, are constructing this temple by our daily tasks, our relationships, our worship, our thoughts, our words, and our attitudes."

Nov 22, 2007

Undergoing the Presence of God
Awakening to the Sacred
Saying For Today: "Enlightenment is awakening to the Sacred in our midst and within us, and in Whom we are one Body of God."

Nov 21, 2007

Beyond Good and Evil
Rest Within
Saying For Today: "We claim you, then, in renouncing all other claims. And the emptiness that threatened us becomes for us the way to the fullness of life in you."

Nov 20, 2007

Discernment and Life Context
Places God Uses Us
Saying For Today: "God gifted us with freedom and capability to make changes in our life situation, and at times we simply outgrow the place or work God once used us in. "

Nov 17, 2007

The Emulation of Grace
Initiation and Response in Contemplation
Saying For Today: "This Love is always present; this Love awaits my becoming present."

Nov 16, 2007

What Is A Saint?
The Light of the World
Saying For Today: "Hence, we are to pass through the True Self ~ our essence in God and apart from phenomenal attributes ~ on our way to union with our Source and being a means of sharing the grace of contemplation with others. "

Nov 14, 2007

The Silence of Life
One with the Fontal Center
Saying For Today: "This eucharist is found within the quietude from which my sense of I, consecrated in Christ, arises and returns in and by you. "

Nov 13, 2007

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
The Shaping of Time
Saying For Today: "I, indeed, find that I can endure almost any present if I have faith that in and by it you are leading me to a fullness of living and being new to me and good for me, as well as good for those who love me and look to me for love."

Nov 12, 2007

A Kind Presence
Being a Conduit of God's Graciousness
Saying For Today: "I realize, then, that my only purpose in life is to be a means, among a myriad other varying like and dislike means, to express your graciousness in the world."

Nov 8, 2007

Mindful Living
Nurturing the Life-Giving Connection
Saying For Today: "We can offer a presence of deep living that nurtures life-giving connection with the natural world, others, ourselves, and the Sacred."

Nov 7, 2007

Full Life Flowing
God in the Ordinary
Saying For Today: "We move beyond a performance ethic; the full life flowing through us becomes what truly and most deeply touches others with blessing."

Nov 2, 2007

Living Among Sympathetic Fibers
On Humble Service

Nov 1, 2007

Jesus the Heretic
On Being Faithfully Guilty

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