Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

February 2023

Feb 26, 2023

Living Like A Rock

Feb 23, 2023

The Elder Tree
Reverence for Life

Feb 17, 2023

A Loving Disobedience

Feb 16, 2023

The Silence of Love
Living in Prayerfulness

Feb 15, 2023

Love & Sandwiches
The Depth of Matter

Feb 14, 2023

Sailing on fresh water
Experiencing the Sacred everywhere

Feb 13, 2023

Sweeping Under The Sun
Simplicity of Action

Feb 12, 2023

Seeing with a Third Eye
Saying For Today: "Christ stands beside me. He is in my room, standing under a lamp."

Feb 11, 2023

Enough Said
A time for the i to rest

Feb 10, 2023

The bell is a bell
face-to-face intimacy
Saying For Today: "We meet with the suchness of the dish, as we meet with the suchness of the bell, raindrops, lips kissing, cool breeze on the face, or taste of a favorite food being chewed in the mouth."

Feb 9, 2023

You... We are the connection
A love beyond like and dislike
Saying For Today: "To share heart-with-heart is to be that you are."

Feb 8, 2023

This is love
Saying For Today: "Love is the ultimate simplicity."

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©Brian Wilcox 2024