Path of Spirit
March 2008
Mar 30, 2008 |
Conscious Closeness with God
Enjoying the Presence
Saying For Today: "We are formed to enjoy closeness with God."
Mar 28, 2008 |
Fervent in Prayer
The Heart for Prayer
Saying For Today: "Your prayer life, or lack of it, mirrors your whole relationship with others and the Divine, or lack of it."
Mar 27, 2008 |
The Sign of the Cross
A Final Union
Saying For Today: "The cross looks toward a final union. The prophetic vision is a vision of the reconciliation ~ another term indicating nonduality ~ of all things in Christ."
Mar 26, 2008 |
Meeting the PostResurrection Jesus
Christ in Community
Saying For Today: "My personal prayer time finds fulfillment through, especially, ministering to persons in time of need. There, I most sense the Christ in the community being Love-in-Action."
Mar 23, 2008 |
The Grace of Easter
An Easter Devotion
Saying For Today: "For the grace of Easter to fill us and flow through us, we undergo many conversions."
Mar 20, 2008 |
Rest in Green Meadows
Stillness as Spiritual Practice
Saying For Today: "In stillness we receive; we reverence the freedom of the world to be itself, fulfilling its purpose in the universe, even as we trust our own unfolding and its part in the universe."
Mar 19, 2008 |
The Story of Bamboo
A Gladly Broken One
Saying For Today: "Still, we need more wise rebels, persons in mind and life offering an option for those seeking that something More popularly not being offered to persons truly seeking a deeper, spiritual Life in God."
Mar 18, 2008 |
The Abiding Life
Inward Love Flowing Outward
Saying For Today: "This Love flows from an inward connection with God to an outer one with the world in fruitfulness reflective of your True Self in the Holy Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Mar 17, 2008 |
Religious Zeal
On Holy Affections
Saying For Today: "True Christian faith is anything but lukewarm or cold."
Mar 15, 2008 |
Trusting God
A Love Letter From God
Saying For Today: "Call on me at anytime; be assured, I listen, and I love to hear your voice."
Mar 14, 2008 |
What is Prayer?
Prayer as Interior Communication
Saying For Today: "As we grow more intimately with the Triune Mystery, we begin to experience a growing desire for more interior Prayer. "
Mar 13, 2008 |
Humility of Heart
Into the Day (A Poem)
Mar 11, 2008 |
The Return
A Poem
Mar 10, 2008 |
Feeling and Union
Saying For Today: "If you do not feel one in God, keep acting from faith in your oneness in God. Those most close to God may often not feel any closer to God than others."
Mar 7, 2008 |
The Summons in Artful Religion
Discoveries in The Sublimity
Saying For Today: "This is contemplation, which is not a disembodied Act, but a profound unification of energies in Christ, one resulting in at-one-ment, in reconciliation.
Mar 6, 2008 |
Following the Yes
On Christian Vocation
Saying For Today: "God has placed a specific summons for vocation upon us each. This call is the continuation of the Grace infused in and through us at baptism into Christ."
Mar 5, 2008 |
The Church As Eucharistic Community
Be-ing the Skin of Christ
Saying For Today: "The Eucharist, indeed, is a sign and sacrament of an internal action whereby we continue partaking of, having infused through our being, and sharing with others the Life of Christ."
Mar 4, 2008 |
Tending the Inner Garden
A Conduit of the Energy Within
Saying For Today: "So the Christian power-authority, the energy of Christic action, including authority over harmful spiritual forces, arises from within us.
Mar 3, 2008 |
True Faith and Mercy in Action
Spiritualization of the Empathic Sense
Saying For Today: "The truly Christian action on behalf of others ... is more than natural, sensible empathy, or it is natural in spiritualized through restoration to its first Love."
Mar 3, 2008 |
The Other Side of Repentance
Making Haste to Go On
Saying For Today: "The other side of I was wrong is You are free."
Mar 2, 2008 |
Resignation and Willingness
The Antidote to Religious Willfulness
Saying For Today: "We are taught that being willful, even religiously willful, is the way to success, and success is what pleases God ~ with success defined as "willful" action, and more so deceitfully willful by being painted in colors implying willingness.
Mar 1, 2008 |
Receiving the Blessings
A Richly Giving Grace
Saying For Today: "God richly gives us everything to enjoy."
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