Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

June 2008

Jun 25, 2008

The Way of Positive Love
Service in Times of Trial
Saying For Today: "He realizes even more that his very death is his resurrection, and he discovers in this the Mystery of Christ. "

Jun 22, 2008

A Gladdening Presence
On Spiritual Joy
Saying For Today: "Accepting times in which joy seems to elude us is very important."

Jun 21, 2008

Passing the Peace of Christ
Rite, Mysticism, and Heritage
Saying For Today: "Truly, when I pass the peace to my brother or sister in God, I bless Christ with peace, for that person is the Body of Christ. "

Jun 19, 2008

Believing Into Jesus Christ
Union with the Mystery of the Trinity
Saying For Today: "Not only does God give Jesus the Messiah for us, as God's Self-Expression in Loving, Divine Presence invites us to participate in the Mystery of the Trinty through incorporation into the resurrected Christ."

Jun 18, 2008

Ecstasy beyond Ecstasies
Onward to the Spiritual Marriage
Saying For Today: "Mystical Prayer, the Prayer of Silence, flows from our trust that we can enter, by Grace, into the silence of communion already going on in our hearts. "

Jun 17, 2008

The Irony at the Heart of the Gospel
Living the Radical Message of Divine Love
Saying For Today: "Divine Love, and only This, can allow our differences and likenesses, as people of many faiths and cultures, to engage us in blessed community for the good of all peoples and our shared environment."

Jun 16, 2008

Experience of God-As-Experience
An Emerging New Consciousness
Saying For Today: "Our faith is more faith for reverencing the divine darkness, the unapproachable Light that is too bright for human intelligence. Still, in this darkness we experience an Experience more astounding than anything we knew before. "

Jun 15, 2008

Our First Love
Living Waters or Broken Cisterns
Saying For Today: "Each day we decide what or whom will be first in our heart. "

Jun 14, 2008

The Mystery of self-as-Self
Saying For Today: "Christian humility entails full acceptance of the divinity of the self-as-Self and living the oneness with the Divine Being in loving and submissive union; in other words, living the mystery of Christ and the Church."

Jun 13, 2008

The Celebration of Rest
Practicing Daily Sabbath
Saying For Today: "Sabbath resting is an act of faith and celebration, wherein we remain, usually, fully aware of our openness to the Spirit within and all around us."

Jun 12, 2008

Protecting and Respecting the Inner Tabernacle
Spirit and the Inner Person
Saying For Today: "Even as we reverence highly any sacred site, we reverence the sacredness within others and in ourselves. "

Jun 11, 2008

Contemplation and Preaching
Three Essentials in Christian Preaching
Saying For Today: "Actively listening to preaching, to sense how the Holy Spirit might be speaking to the community and oneself, is a communal means of grace."

Jun 10, 2008

Striving to Live a Clean Life
The Witness of Holiness
Saying For Today: "God as Holiness means that in mystical prayer we join with and in that holiness, for our being and Being commune in a deep union of Love."

Jun 9, 2008

Ceasing the Arguing
Transformation of Negative Emotion
Saying For Today: "If we are honest and truly will to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit in all our relationships, we will grow to be able to do that over time. "

Jun 8, 2008

Decision and Timing
On Spiritual Discerment
Saying For Today: "Possibly, more than not, the Holy Spirit will use someone else to help us discern when and how to act in accord with the Divine will for us."

Jun 7, 2008

The Greater Stewardship
On Spiritual Worship
Saying For Today: "The greater stewardship is the offering of our selves."

Jun 4, 2008

Christian Spiritual Formation
An Organic Fruition
Saying For Today: "Then, our being, thoughts, and actions become those of Christ through us, but still participated in by us."

Jun 2, 2008

Experiencing the God-Near
Transcendence and Tangible Presence
Saying For Today: "God is meeting God in the Other, which is meeting God in the Other meeting God in the Other. The movement is mutual; there is no first Other or second Other, there is no I and Thou ~ only Thou and Thou in instantaneous mutuality of being and presence."

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